5 months agoRising Rookie
Update causing infinite loading
Since the update any save I had before the update is unplayable. I can get into manage worlds but as soon as I try to play my current household it won’t load me in.
I can load up other households in the save but not my played households. I can also make new saves and play in them fine, it’s just the old ones.
I’ve taken out all my mods, deleted the cache, repaired my game, did a fresh sims 4 folder but none of it has fixed it. I saw that some people who had this issue had lot challenges (specifically off the grid) but they’re not on any of the household lots.
Attatched a dxdiag to this incase it’s useful.
Outdated_Garlic Please try the suggestion here:
If that doesn't help, let me know, and I'll ask around for further ideas.