crazy loading time & weird freezing! pls help
hey guys 🙃! im currently experiencing some stuff i havent before. my game takes soooo long to load - if im traveling or going to manage words, even when im starting the game up and saving & exiting. it takes 5-15 mins to load. its frustrating bc if i want to have a quickie, 80% of me "playing" is waiting. Going in and out of CAS is fine. its still longer than normal but its doable. everything else takes forever
The second thing is every five mins or so my game "freezes". not completly - i can go into build buy and press esc. but the time stops and all the sims around (even animals) stop and stand there before their next actions. when i pause the time (and press esc) they still move like their arms swing about and they're doing their grunting, not doing actual actions. when this happens i cant click on anything in the world and when it "unfreezes" it tweaks and the pie menu pops up everytime ive clicked on smth when it was frozen. i thought it was maybe one of my mods, (ive recently deleted all cc 💔 but kept a few "must have" mods such as MCCC, UI cheats, more columns, better exceptions and maybe a few others) specifically MCCC so i deleted it. then it kept happening so i deleted everything and tried updating UI cheats. still was happening. then i deleted UI cheats, repaired my game for the 50th time and tried again but its still happening. even before i completely deleting everything, i made a new sim save incase it was my save that was broken (ive been playing on that one for a while) but its still happening with the new save.
Ive been playing the sims 4 on macbooks. two defferent kinds. ive had lots of mods and cc in my game etc. and ive never had an issue like this before. the only thing different from now and back then is that i have a lot more packs now. and since ive got a few at once on multiple occasions in a short amount of time, maybe my game(and even my mac) is starting to tweak a little bit :(. my game has been saving and loading for the last 20 mins (one of the longest times its gone for) bc im trying to go into manage worlds to remove some sims from my save in hopes it will stop my issues.
thanku if you read all of this!
pls help ive tried everything that i can 💗