The Sims 4 Gallery/Game Not Connecting
Hey Everyone I have been having a problem with my game after going on it after the last update on the 17th.
I wanted to get a base build from the gallery and I can't seem to connect to the gallery even when I'm connected to origin. I will post a video of what I mean usually when the game loads up there are the 3 little videos on the left side well they have disappeared and every time I click on gallery it tells me to connected then attempting to connected comes up it freezes and then finally unfreezes but comes back up with the box saying "unable to connect" I click try again and the same things happens. I've even repaired the game 3 times.
I have loads of CC so I thought it was something out of there but I disabled all the CC and tried it without it and it still does it no videos appear and I can't connect.
It's frustrating, I just want to know if anyone else has the problem and how have they fixed it ?
P.S: I'm sorry for the video, I'm just stressed about this. Also I have no CC enabled while recording this
I have managed to get it working after uninstalling it and reinstalling it.
I recommend if anyone has this problem back up your game files, move your The Sims 4 folder to the desktop and uninstall sims and origin.
reinstall it and download sims 4 and wait for it to download again with the packs.
play it without cc and mods first just to check it works and then add your cc and mods back in.
I'm so glad its working again but it took uninstalling it for it to work again