Okay, picture time. Two layers, Resource.cfg Properties info, and beneath that, the file in its home directory as I see it here.

I have Windows 10. It's a right-click on the actual filename to get to its Properties info. In THAT window, you can Change whatever program or app you use to open the file with.
I use
notepad++ for all things text-file related.
A note, it does not offer a .cfg extension in the dropdown menus (where it has .txt and so on). But, (example) if you just add that to a file when you're naming it, as in call it
settings.cfg instead of just settings or settings.txt, that's all you need to do. As long as it has a .cfg extension, the game will use it properly.
It's cool there's links to download a new Resource.cfg file, but, if you're comfortable with creating/editing text files, you can always make your own, too.
Open a text editor, new document.
Copy the following block of text and paste it into the new document.
Priority 500
PackedFile *.package
PackedFile */*.package
PackedFile */*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*/*/*.package
Save it as
Resource.cfgCopy it into your
C:\Users\egw\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods directory. (<< My Win10 path, yours may be different.)
Edit: added better link to notepad++