Sul Sul Simmers!
With today's base game update, we've enabled the use of DirectX 11 (DX11) on an opt-in basis for PC/Windows users. If you're interested in enabling this feature, please see the p...
When I run version DX11, text in the game cuts off part way in world descriptions, gallery descriptions and pack descriptions. There are also smudged shapes in the text sometimes. It may do this in other places that I haven't seen yet. The text seems to be there as I can highlight it in the world description, it is just partially invisible. This issue does not happen when I run version DX9. I don't believe it is mod related because I got the game to load a fresh The Sims 4 folder by taking the old one out and started the game with no mods but with DX 11, and the text problem was still happening.
I'm happy to keep playing using DX9 since DX11 but I thought I should post about this to draw attention to the issue.