Game Continues to Crash After Troubleshooting
- 25 days ago
@yasminandlucky I apologize for not getting back to you earlier. Looking back on your previous thread, and the new one you made, they're showing as new for me, which means I didn't see them at the time. (I read every post in this forum.) So I think the posts were eaten by the spam filter and only released later, by which time they were pushed down far enough that I never noticed. It's not your fault, just the site being cranky. Point is, I didn't mean to leave you hanging and feel bad you were ignored for so long.
Anyway, your new dxdiag lists a lot of Sims 4 crashes, but none of them look like out of memory errors, which are generally breakpoint errors (code 80000003). Your crashes are all access violations (c0000005), a type too generic to be useful on its own. Some of the crashes list python37_x64.dll as the faulting module, which is what the overclocking-related crashes look like. So since the BIOS update didn't work, did you ever disable CPU Turbo Boost, in the Advanced BIOS settings? If not, please try it now.
If you did disable it, try also disabling XMP, which is a simple button likely on the BIOS front page. And if you've applied a manual overclock of some kind, please remove it too.
Please test with a new save in a clean folder for now, just to keep things simple. You can add back your old saves once the game is stable again.