Forum Discussion

MystikHazel's avatar
New Novice
4 months ago

Infinite loading screen in the Magic Realm

So a few days ago, I was playing with my spellcaster sims and I decided to replace the Magic HQ lot with a lot from the gallery that I've been using for years without issue. The lot was built in 2019, so well before the December 2023 patch. After leaving the lot, I was unable to return to it by any means, being met by an infinite loading screen. No error was produced. These are methods I've tried:

Removing all mods and clearing all cache

Repairing the game

Starting a brand new save

Creating a new Sims 4 folder

Loading from different households

Loading in different ways, via portal, crystal, or loading a sim that's already on the lot

I can accept that this lot is not usable, but it's EXTREMELY game breaking when you can't access the Magic HQ since that's the only lot in the Magic Realm, ultimately locking you out permanently. I have saves I've been working on for years that are toast because I've used that lot in the Magic Realm, so there's no way to revert saves because that lot has been present since the beginning. I took a break from the Sims in March, that's why I'm only now noticing this issue. I've changed nothing on the lot since well before the December patch, since I usually wait sometimes a month or longer to update my game. I'm begging for this to be looked into, because currently this has ruined my ability to play my Super Sim save, and my backups from before the For Rent patch are safe and patiently waiting for this to be fixed.

4 Replies

  • MystikHazel  Can you load the lot in Build mode?  If so, can you bulldoze the build, with or without replacing it with anything?  You can also try replacing the lot with a different build from the map, one you've confirmed you can load in other contexts.

  • How would I be able to load the lot in build mode? The Magic Realm isn't a world you can click on, it's like Sixam, which can only be accessed by traveling there. The problem is that I can't travel there in the first place, it never loads so I can never access the lot again.

  • MystikHazel  I didn't know (or didn't remember) that you couldn't access these lots directly through Manage Worlds.  In that case, I don't think there's anything you can do other than wait for a patch or a mod-related fix.  If it's any consolation, this is a common issue, so hopefully someone (from EA or outside it) is working on solving it.

  • MystikHazel's avatar
    New Novice
    4 months ago

    Yes, that's why I'm so baffled by it and didn't know what else to do, I wish it was possible to try deleting the lot through manage world. I hoped making a post would bring awareness and let me see if anyone else is having this issue. Thank you for trying to help me, I really hope it gets fixed. 😞

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