Mouse freezing on loading screen.
Recently my sims4 game has stopped loading correctly. I think this happened after the latest update. When I start the Sims 4, as soon as we get to the blue loading screen my mouse freezes and doesn't work. If I go to a different window then go back, sometimes the loading screen has progressed to the main menu screen, but my mouse (and trackpad) does not work. No movement, no responses to clicking
Things I have tried:
"Repairing" the game on the EA app.
Deleting cache files
Deleting my mods folder
Deleting the Sims 4 folder then clicking on the game to start a "new" Sims4 folder (without saves, mods etc)
Making sure Windows is up to date, checking mouse drivers up to date, downloading newest GeForce graphics drivers.
Uninstalling Sims4 and re-downloading the game files. Twice. Ditto the EA app.
Resetting windows and re-installing windows from the very beginning, making sure Windows is up to date (!!!!)
None of this has worked. Having reset Windows and re-downloaded the game but still having issues, I'm not sure what else I can do.
Anyone have any idea what the problem is?
@averkayle Please try switching to playing in windowed mode at a 1920x1080 resolution if you haven't already. Since you can't click on anything in-game, you'll need to edit options.ini, which is in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. Open the file (Notepad is fine) and search for fullscreen , and set both fullscreen and windowedfullscreen to 0 (zero). Search for resolution , and change resolutionheight to 1080 and resolutionwidth to 1920. Save the changes and launch the game.