Spiderjesus101 Your new dxdiag shows Sims 4 is crashing because the AMD graphics driver is crashing, which wouldn't be happening if the game were only using the Nvidia GPU. So please double-check your Nvidia Control Panel settings.
If even specifying global use of the Nvidia card (don't do this for general use, but it's a good test) doesn't help, tell Windows to use the Nvidia GPU as well. Open Windows Settings > System > Display > Graphics settings, click Browse, find TS4_x64 on the list, and choose the high-performance option.
The new error is odd in that your dxdiag shows you're running the current version of Sims 4, not that that would be in doubt after you reinstalled the game. Still, try renaming the Sims 4 folder in Documents > Electronic Arts to see whether the issue disappears. If it's still present, the error is basically coming out of nowhere because there wouldn't be any user data to be "newer" than your version of the game.