@KindlyKostas Thanks for the dxdiag, which shows your computer's page file is almost all used. This is where the processor stores data that would normally be in RAM but doesn't fit. While your 8 GB installed memory is enough for Sims 4, it might not be enough for the game plus everything else running at the same time, whether you opened it yourself or it starts with Windows. That's where the page file comes into play, and if it can't expand to accommodate the extra data, you can get out of memory crashes.
The issue here is that your laptop's drive is small and somewhat full. So please clear as much space as possible. You don't need to delete anything critical, but at least get rid of old files in Downloads that you don't need anymore, empty the recycle bin, and restart.
Don't open anything aside from the EA App and Sims 4, and in addition, disable the App's in-game overlay, under Settings > Application. See how the game runs.
If you get another crash, restart the computer again, wait five minutes without doing anything, open the Task Manager, and let me know how much Memory is in use, as a percentage. If it's more than about 35%, click the Startup icon and post a screenshot of the list of apps there.