Forum Discussion
And the link explains how to stop synchronizing folders that fills up their space. The other option would of course be to buy more space on OneDrive but the stated goal was to not have the games user files there.
It doesn't explain how to stop synchronizing folders inside the Documents folder, it explains how to stop syncrhonizing the entire Documents folder. You can't specifically exclude the subfolders Sims 4 incorrectly uses for temporary (scratch) files, like the "c:\Users\[UserName]\OneDrive\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves\scratch" folder, for example.
And my problem isn't even the space. I have more than enough space on Onedrive. The problem is that since The Sims deletes hundreds of temporary files from the Documents folder when you exit the game, it triggers the anti-malware protection of OneDrive, resulting in annoying messages such as this one:
- 4 years ago
Can you link your answer to that question they asked for the rest of us in the class? Cause I for one am still massively confused here and more than a little worried as I literally bought this computer a week ago and my $400+ Sims game seems to be messing it up now!
- 4 years ago
His answer was basically "please report this a bug". But since this thread already exists, honestly I don't think it's a good idea to create a 3rd thread specifically about the scratch folder bug, where most of these deletes happen. This thread should be enough. I have a job, and I don't feel the need to have a part time job as an unpaid beta tester for EA. In fact, it seems from EAs point of view I have to pay EA to have the priviledge to beta test their game.
Anyway, this is the other thread:
- jpkarlsen4 years agoHero (Retired)
It does not sound like you have a related issue. Please post a new topic where you detail your problem.
- 4 years ago
@vladncThank you. You seem to know what you're talking about.
- 4 years ago
Is there already a solution?
I had 209 files, but a hundred off them i can't delete because i don't have the "powers" to delete them.
I just downloaded sims 4, and i want to play it for fun, not to get overruled by notifications and emails about my onedrive.
Somebody who can explain in the easiest way how to fix it. (And in the most basic english)
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@Lissa1345 The easiest way to fix it is to stop OneDrive from syncing your files. First, pause syncing, then cancel the current sync:
Next, stop Documents from being synced automatically:
Once you do this, you may need to redownload your Sims 4 folder to your computer, but after that, you shouldn't have any more issues with files being synced.
- 4 years ago
My solution was to stop playing Sims until EA fixes this. I won't disable operating system functionality I actually want and need just for one game.
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@vladnc Well, sure, that would do it. But EA is not going to "fix" anything. The Sims 4 user folder has always been in Documents, the Sims 3 folder is there, the Sims 5 folder will probably be there, and so are the user folders for many other games, both made by EA and not. It's pretty standard practice now to place user files in Documents, where they're easily acccessible to the player, rather than burying them in program files or AppData. There's nothing to indicate that this practice will change any time soon.
If Windows is going to sync Documents by default, you're going to have this conflict, that's all there is to it.
- 4 years ago
@puzzlezaddict Indeed. What makes Sims 4 different is it doesn't store just user files there. It stores hundreds of temporary files there as well. That's the bug. There is a dedicated folder for temporary files, and it's not under the user documents folder.
Later edit: but I have to agree with you on one point: EA won't fix anything. They just don't care that their software is bad. The thing is, life is too short to waste it fighting with incompetent software companies. It's not worth it. In conclusion, if you don't have a dedicated computer for this game, you shouldn't buy it or any of its content.
- 3 years ago
Thanks for accurately describing what is the same problem that I am having.
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