Forum Discussion

rjssim's avatar
New Scout
7 years ago

A few questions

1. Can you create many different Sims in this game, or is it just create one and play as that.
2. If you can create many sims, can you create a sim partner and then marry them like in the other games?
3. How is the performance? Is it better than the Sims 2 and 3?
4. Are there any working mods for the Origin version (deluxe) of the game?
  • Thanks again for the information, @Sindocat. I guess I'll be picking this up, it sounds good.
  • Hi @lelo714,

    "lelo714;c-16461156" wrote:
    I can't figure out how to start a new thread so I'm posting here because the subject is appropriate.
    Please explain how to start a new thread.

    This has to do with you being a new member. More information, please see this link:

    "lelo714;c-16461156" wrote:
    Does anyone have a map of the kingdom they can share?
    The only thing I've found is this:
    and I can't figure out what each pin represents.
    If you don't have a map can you give me an idea of what is North, South, East, and West. What is central and what is outlying?

    I used the map you mentioned and put in numbers to clarify. When it comes to North, South, East, and West, not a clue. I'm already glad I can find my house. :p I can't upload pictures so see this link for the numbers:

    1. Forest (rabithole): is already there.
    2. Knight chamber (barracks): needs to be unlocked.
    3. Palace and reception hall: palace is already there. Reception hall needs to be unlocked.
    4. Spy chamber: needs to be unlocked.
    5. Peteran Monastery: needs to be unlocked.
    6. Jacoban Cathedral: needs to be unlocked.
    7. Watcher Pavilion: is already there. Needs to be unlocked.
    8. Cave (rabbithole) used for some quests and graves (decorative): is already there.
    9. Kingball Court: needs to be unlocked.
    10. Road to the village (rabbithole): is already there.
    11. Judgment Zone: is already there.
    12. Mill (decorative): is already there. Needs to be unlocked.
    13. Smithy: needs to be unlocked.
    14. Town Square: is already there.
    15. Market: needs to be unlocked.
    16. Tavern: needs to be unlocked.
    17. Wizard tower: needs to be unlocked.
    18. Docters clinic: needs to be unlocked.
    19. Light house (decorative): is already there. Needs to be unlocked.
    20. Harbor ship (rabbithole): is already there.

    The road below the mill has water with fishing spots. Same goes for the beach where the lighthouse and ship are located. Other marked places on the map, which are not mentioned in my numbers, I think this are spots where Sims can collect: fish, plants and herbs, leeches (in fishing spots) and metals. Bare in mind, you have to unlock most buildings. On my website you will find more information about all the locations but my website is Dutch. If you right click the page in Google Chrome you can use Google translate to translate:

    If that doesn't work for you, I'am sure Google will assist in finding the appropriate/additional information.

    Hope this helps, so your heroes don't get lost ;)
  • atreya33's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    Thanks for posting your site. I like the quest list and the chance cards. I'm going to bookmark it. And all the info in the same language as my game :smile: fantastisch, bedankt.
  • dont understand how the points work or how to know how long the account is and ive been struggling and wondering how does one manage all their heros with their dailies reponsbilities i love the daily responbilities but when i switch from one hero to the next my previous one doesnt seem to do their responbilites and i dont want any of my heros to die or keep getting in trouble for not dong their responsbilites
  • "Darkgothrose;c-17087915" wrote:
    dont understand how the points work or how to know how long the account is and ive been struggling and wondering how does one manage all their heros with their dailies reponsbilities i love the daily responbilities but when i switch from one hero to the next my previous one doesnt seem to do their responbilites and i dont want any of my heros to die or keep getting in trouble for not plum their responsbilites

    It might help you to read the lessons to get you started. The point of the game is you don't know how many tasks or time it will take to finish a quest. So, it's up to you to raise their bars the higher the better. Things won't go well if they aren't in a good mood or focused. And more likely to fail. Start with one hero, pick the easiest quests (which might be over within a day or two) don't play with two or three until you understand the game better. Annexing some neighboring lands offers benefits to help your hero, like giving the longer time periods to complete the daily tasks.

    Run a practice world to start, with one hero until you get the hang of the game, and Carl's Guide site can help you understand points etc. But the game contains "Lessons that are a tremendous help for those just starting out.
  • "Sindocat;c-17088171" wrote:

    That said, prioritize your Daily Responsibilities before Quest requirements. Responsibilities give your hero Focus when completed, which helps succeed at Quest tasks. Until you see multiple Xes under the time-running-out moodlet, you are fine for Quest progression. You need to pace things slowly enough, with your Hero at high Focus (green bar full), to finish a Quest at Platinum level for maximum benefit to your Kingdom.

    And, this gives you the opportunity to raise your Sim's level. Focus on Daily Responsibilities and whatever action they can do to accumulate XP (training, writing, healing, etc.) and then go for the Quest requirements.

  • Thanks, @Sindocat. Just one more quick question. Can you bring a hero with you on a quest as a follower?
  • You may still be able to purchase a prima guide to medieval ( but not pirates ) somewhere. It has lots of helpful things including maps, quest diagrams, spells for the wizzard and more. My copy is falling apart. If you can't find it anywhere, I have found Carl's Guide to the Sims (all of them) invaluable. I can't post the link but it is very easy to find. Just type it into a search.