Male Sim Celebrity CRASH if try talk to a Sim (4th Feb Patch) Sims 1 Legacy BUG
Hi there,
I have updated my Steam copy of The Sims 1 Legacy Collection with the latest patch "Executable version: Feb 3 2025, 07:43:19"
It seems some of the saving bug has gone away, excellent! Well done to the team who worked over the weekend to address this.
Unfortunately my game crashes when my Male Sim (A 4.5 star celebrity) attempts to talk to any Sim that walks by on the residential lot. He can talk to Sims if I make him travel downtown, but even upon return - the game crashes.
I tested another household with a male and female Sim, and they don't sim to crash the system if they socialise with other Sims. The only unique factor "differentiating" these Sims is that the one causing the crashes is a Celebrity.
This is a bug with Legacy Release and was not a Bug in the original version of The Sims 1 / or The Sims Complete Collection
Attached is my error dump txt file.