Forum Discussion

troshalom's avatar
5 years ago

Sims game for Builders - Cross Between SimCity & the Sims

I would be happy if the next iteration of the Sims was a release targeted to builders where you don't have to control the Sims. A cross between SimCity and the Sims but focused on building lots as well as manipulating the terrain and managing interconnected worlds but not like how you managed a city in SimCity.

Something where we have unique building tools can create rounded walls etc. Just a haven for builders and then we can determine the type of world - geek, hippy, spiritual, magic, Eco, whatever, and the game moves in sims that occupies the builds and we watch what happens. We can determine disaster protocol, but don't need to micromanage.

I just want to build, Safaris, homes, corporate centers, marine worlds, just build.

what y'all think?