Forum Discussion

troshalom's avatar
5 years ago

Sims game for Builders - Cross Between SimCity & the Sims

I would be happy if the next iteration of the Sims was a release targeted to builders where you don't have to control the Sims. A cross between SimCity and the Sims but focused on building lots as well as manipulating the terrain and managing interconnected worlds but not like how you managed a city in SimCity.

Something where we have unique building tools can create rounded walls etc. Just a haven for builders and then we can determine the type of world - geek, hippy, spiritual, magic, Eco, whatever, and the game moves in sims that occupies the builds and we watch what happens. We can determine disaster protocol, but don't need to micromanage.

I just want to build, Safaris, homes, corporate centers, marine worlds, just build.

what y'all think?
  • This type of game would remind me of Mall Tycoon. It wasn't about controlling what was sold, and or what each individual store would need such as in other type tycoon games but what the player could build. Build a mall. Design a mall, but not control what was sold and or any menus to set prices and or types of goods. It was all about building then sitting back and watching 'agents' go through it into rabbit hole (some) stores and could only decorate within the mall or outside. You had to make money to get enough to build more stores inside the mall but you weren't in control of picking the type of goods. Like Game Stop was a special cube you earned after so long of doing whatever.

    It was a game about building nothing more and earning enough (depending on big box stores to help support smaller shops) to build bigger and better malls. It was also a challenge game requiring you to build such and such type malls and floors. However, there was a sandbox side where the same rules applied (money) but build whatever type you wanted. Same difference with this idea here. Just watch little people go in and out and carry bags and you could zoom in and watch but not much to see, other than running around the mall and rating the enviornment (decorations, types of stores etc.) is what they sort of did. And of course having to hire more mall security when gangs showed up to ruin it all.
    If you didn't have enough security they just kept coming and tearing down everything.

    I'm not sure I would want to sit back and not be able to control Sims. I don't think I want to play tycoon games and or just build in The Sims. I don't mind it in other games but Sims are why The Sims is so popular.
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    No town stays the same in real life. And if we are supposed to believe in the Sims living through generations; then let the town grow with them. For example - A new shop opens up in the city your Sims have new pie-menu choices. Shop at Store A which sells such and such goods...that opens up new gameplay options. Your sim can go and shop at a store and buy goods that he or she can use at home (which you control placement of and interactions with) just like you currently do in the Sims.

    Frankly controlling "all your sims" is overrated and frankly isn't possible since you select one sim to interact with at a time even within your "family". Even in today's Sims games, you can only control ONE sim at a time though you can switch between your immediate sims family which gives you the impression that you can control all of them "at one time". You are doing interactions with ONE while the ones you aren't interacting with stand awkwardly around if you have them on low independence.

    What I want to see in Sims is a fluid dynamic of how a Sim would interact with a "growing" rural/urban area with increasing options of how your Sims interact with the new facilities; your sims would be controlled by you when and where as it was in previous Sims games...while the NPCs wander about in or out of the new buildings just as they do the Sims without player control but town development is dynamic and not "pause the game while you go out of your Sims game and go into CAW". This is CAW on steroids within the fluid dynamics of the game. You would end up with assets that are already premade to put down if you don't want to build-your-own; but you can also build your own bus stops...and set up your transportation lines that your Sims will use and your personally controlled Sims will have a pie-menu selection that says "Take Bus to Work; Take bus to venue (open submenu to select from choices); Take bus to Festival lot) and your sim will take the bus to those locations. If they have a vehicle...and you haven't selected your car as the primary mode of transportation and/or they are frugal; they may take the bus. Imagine having to have your Sim family be near a bus-line to efficiently get to work or school on time and have that affect your overall family happiness and how your kids or YA/Adult sims perform at school and work respectively. NOW THAT is realistic.

    Placing down airports will allow your sims to travel fluidly to other Sims world destinations and will be reflected in the time difference when your sims that you send to other places reach their destination. If you go to a destination by car. it will reflect that it took a longer time to reach that destination. And some destinations will be greyed out if they aren't in a location that is reachable by vehicle "Sorry you have to have port facilities/airport to reach that destination" Too bad. That's the same as in real-life.

    IN this Sims, your "world" will change from the time you start the game to the time that your sims go through ten generations. New stores will pop up... stores will close down and go out of business if they're not being patronized. Imagine how your sims will react if a "favorite store" of theirs suddenly has a "going out of business" sign on the front window. Can you imagine the mood hit? And having to figure out how to get your sim out of its funk. This would be Sims on Steroids.

    For too damned long in this newest iteration; Sims has offered up "little gameplay value for massive payout" and I want to see the devs work for their pay this time around in Sims 5. I want to see Sims be able to interact with their community within a growing infrastructure. I want my Sims family to be able to utilize that new infrastructure with pie menus. I want the NPCs to be dynamic and wander about their town utilizing the new infrastructure without having to direct them. Just as in real-life.

    The Sims will stay the Sims in this: You can grow your families, you can play your's just that you will have a wider and more immersive world to work with that doesn't stay stagnant in one place while you are playing your stories. That you will see a growing country farming community or a bustling small town or a big city grow up before your eyes...all the while seeing NPC sims and controlling YOUR sims to interact with that growing community.

    I want the Sims to stay true to what made the Sims game (in 1, 2, and 3 - deep gameplay stupid superficial crap to focus on families and gameplay) but the Sims needs to grow; not regress. Push boundaries. Throw new things into the mix. New things that stimulate gameplay.

    AND DO A GREAT JOB AT IT. I don't care if it looks impossible to do. You're the ones with computer programming skills. FIND A WAY!

    Otherwise, the Sims will wither and die as a franchise.
  • Ugh, if our town changes, I would quit. I disliked story progression for a reason.

    Give me the optional controls to control my Sims.
  • @Nikkei_Simmer YASSS
    I've been playing Simcity 2013 and now I finally jumped on the Cities Skylines bandwagon, and I've built a city with lovely parks and a zoo, a tourist bus route, fixing to do a national park and an amusement park and I am ready for my sims to move in.

    What I love about SimCity is the sims still speak to you when you zoom in on them. With Cities Skylines you can create your own assets as a modder, but I really want to build my lot like in the Sims and plop it down in the city I created and see the sims interact with it without having to manage the sims. But, if I wanted to I can create sims, plop them down in the city and see them go about their lives too.

    Anywho, I am getting my builders itch scratched with both city simulation games
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    However the Sims has always been a family creation game. But what I want to see is to take it further and make the area grow. To still be able to control my sims in the way that I'm doing now in Sims with the main emphasis still being playing with my Sims family and interacting with other Sims...yet be able to grow the area and be able to make the rural area bigger (develop sections) as I play my Sims game which would allow my Sims family to be able to interact (under my control) with the larger assets that have been placed into the growing "world". I want a dynamic growing town; with businesses going out of business...and new ones coming in; all while being able to control my sims in the way that I used to.

    It's hard to be able to show how this game would work without being able to program it myself but what I don't like is being stuck with a static town that my Sims wander around in for generation after generation without it growing on its own. I'm dreaming of a Sims 5 where you grow your city but you still control your Sim its everyday tasks in the same way that you would control them in the Sims. But you have the assets of Simcity at your disposal where you place industrial zones...and commercial zones which are fluid dynamically that pop up their own sets of businesses (whether they are restaurants, lawyer's offices, blah blah blah...whatever types of businesses that you find in SimCity but the key point here is that pur Sims as well as NPCs can visit them (with the same interactive menus as in the Sims).

    Sims as a game has to push the boundaries...and become something larger than it is currently instead of regressing and cutting out features. But I'm not willing to relinquish control of my sims. We already have city builders. What I want is an interactive dollhouse/life-simulator with Sims controls as in the Sims, but the dynamic city growth of SimCity. Where my family grows and I can play with them individually like I do in the Sims, but see an ever growing community such as in SimCity with added interactions as each new business pops up. Believe me this will be tough to program for EA who just loves to cut corners. But I want to make them work for my $$$ if they're gonna want me to spend money on Sims 5.

    I want Simsville, but with the key emphasis on Sims (like in Sims 3) controllable as in the Sims, but playable within a growing town/rural community/or large city that doesn't stay static like it currently does within the Sims 3/4. I want to push the boundaries and truly see the Sims become a "life" simulator. Because Life doesn't stay static.

    Eff it, I don't want my Sims to be stuck with 64x64 lots. I want polygonal lots, I want larger than 64x64. I want to have airports, buses, seaports, etc. the whole effing nine yards. But I still want my sims to be controllable. I want my Sims to be able to grow as a family and I'm not willing to give up control of them. I want to be able to have them interact with other sims like in the Sims 3 without having set-dressing like Sims in the Sims 4. Admit it, the sims wandering the backdrop are just that...SET DRESSING - you can't talk to them, you can't interact with them, they're not even complete sims. They look like Sims 3 sims that haven't fully loaded yet. That's not what I want. I want every sim able to be interacted with if and when they are approached by my family sims.

    This is going to be a pain in the you-know-what to program, but this is what you've done with Sims 4 and cutting corners. Aggravated me to the point where I'm laying down a challenge. You either give me something that I can work with or I take my money elsewhere. I don't care if some didn't like Story Progression. I did and so did others. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that you get to take it out of the game and cut out gameplay options for others. EA needs to make a toggle or something that cuts out story progression if YOU don't want it but leave it in for those who do.

    This is a game that from the start has appealed to both builders as well as family creators and family players. You, as a player, don't get to cut out game play options for others JUST BECAUSE YOU don't use that option and that needs to get through to some people.

    Will Wright himself was asked this question by Rod Humble of what would he would cut out of Sims: Wright said, "I'd add more..."

    Rod Humble: I don’t think he’ll mind me telling this story in an interview – when I took over the Sims, I went to visit Will Wright. I was taking over his baby, so I wanted to go and kiss the ring. And he’s a great guy, but I asked him what I thought was a smart question, which was, “looking back, what’s the one thing you would take away ? What’s something you regret putting in that wasn’t needed, or the game would be more efficient without?” And he looked at me like , with this sort of pitying look, and he said “I wouldn’t take anything out. I would add more. More is more.” The idea of taking away gameplay didn’t even occur to him. - full interview at

    MORE IS MORE... Think about that for a long while.
  • ttuthill's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie

    You got it! That is the right way of thinking IMO.

    A way not only to bring back SIMCITY. But. STREETS, COPTER, TOWER, EARTH, etc.

    It was all going to be possible at one time and imploded badly! They just would not listen.

  • ttuthill's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie


    The POLITICS, MAYOR, Urban Planner careers seem ideal to rise in to become MAYOR...then President with The SIMS: SIMCITY DLC.

    Developing dozens of well educated SIMS to put in all the government jobs so you can ensure a well running city, region, regions. Deploy the best educators, cops. detectives, etc. Or. Deploy hordes of criminals into every institution, then enjoy your CUT as BOSS.

    The SIMS finally joining directly into SIMCITY gameplay is so fun to think about.

    In earlier iterations of The SIMS I always enjoyed buying every plot, business and enjoyed trying to play it like SIMCITY. And when SIMS protested at CITY HALL, you almost were as you had to address their concerns.

    Anyway.  YES! You have the vision! : crosses fingers :

    Cheers and Best!