Forum Discussion

thefirsttemplar's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

What setting would you prefer for a Sims Spin-off?

While sims 5 is probably already being made, to me it would just be more of the same and I'd rather see them release a spin off that could become just as big as an instalment of the main series, getting many expansions and new content over time.

I'll explain my choices for the poll too.

1. 90's sims.
Pretty safe choice, stays close to the main experience and could honestly even BE sims 5. We'd get a sims world with most modern things, but without over reliance on technology. Cellphones could still be bought, but have limited functions. It would come with very different clothing styles and furniture styles too, with all kinds of stores and activities that aren't really around much any more. Different high school and university experiences as well. Would be way more activities for sims to actively engage in that aren't about technology, but still does allow for videogames, computers, phones and a lot of stuff.
Some modern careers would not exist but it could have some other careers. Plenty of room to bring back some sims 1 stuff too, Sims 1 was just after the 90's after all.

2. Victorian/Western sims.
Set around 1900, this would be a bigger departure from regular sims. Some neighbourhoods could be western towns, others could be a New York inspired piece of city. Room for native American neighbourhoods too.
Horses would be part of the main game since it's a big part of transportation, would be carriages and such too and cars could be available as a super luxurious item to purchase, the earliest models. Of course it being sims, gender roles would not be restricted and there would be no discrimination since it's it's own world. Room for plenty of farm gameplay, as well as maybe outlaws, gunslinger duels, train rides to other neighbourhoods (with a chance to get robbed.)
And expansions could also draw inspiration from outside of the USA. Careers would be pretty different and it gives room for some pretty interesting active careers like cowboy/cowgirl, prospecting could also be a thing to do, there could be mines to explore, etc.
Also plenty of interesting ventures into the supernatural.

3. Star Wars sims.
I think a full spin off would be more fitting than just some small gamepack focused on an amusement park and the least popular star wars movies. They could make a full game out of this with each neighbourhood being a different planet where you can build on, with different native townies spawned. Different playable species would be various alien types, likely just humanoid ones for the sake of animation and object use.
Force sensitive could be a trait, plenty of other unique traits too. And different careers. Plenty of neutral regular day jobs, but also more exciting active jobs like Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler or Sith.

4. Medieval fantasy sims.
Pretty much a proper redo of Sims Medieval, where you can build whole neighbourhoods, families, generations, etc. With all kinds of jobs, some rabbit hole careers, but also running a shop of sorts or a more involved job.
Would allow for more supernatural states as well, a more expanded magic system, improved sword fights, jousting, maybe even questing with an adventuring party into dungeons. Or alone if your sim dares. All kinds of treasure and secrets could be found.
Could also be a middle class, noble class and peasant class and ways for sims to change class. Like they could be elevated to nobility.
Would also be royal balls, and each neighbourhood could be it's own domain ruled by either a monarch, Duke/Duchess, Baron/Baroness or Count/Countess.

5. Classical age Sims.
Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, etc. Expansions could go across the world and always introduce a supernatural creature to do with the local mythology. Also various professions, could play a bit into heroic myths and legends too. Sims could become such a hero and do all kinds of grand deeds that boast their renown. Which would be a similar system to fame, but with different perks. Initially they'd be an upstart hero, but can become a living legend by defeating other heroes in a duel, perform acts of great strength or daring, etc.
Still also regular town life, and you can build nice little towns of various cultures or mix them all together.

6. 60's sims.
Again something straying a bit less from the regular games, but can portray a lot of various styles of that time and activities fitting for it. You could build a whole hippie commune, sims could learn various dance styles and actors could sometimes require it for a movie. Could also be anti war protests and a mix of old and new ways of thinking. Would be televisions as well, the most fancy ones would even have colour. Radio could also have plays and such to listen to, cars would be the style of the time, etc.

7. 1920's sims.
Since we are now living in the 20's again, it might be a fitting time to release a game focused on a hundred years ago. Silent movies, big extravagant parties, theatre shows, but also poverty sims could work their way up out of. Horses and cars would both be used, military would use WW1 style uniforms, could be an interesting period to explore. Can also involve some pulp adventure style treasure hunting, also criminal mobster organisations, etc.

8. Space sims.
Not using any existing fantasy setting, you'd get to either develop a space colony with sims, or design your own ship where your sims live on. Which could range from just a single house hold ship, or something more like it's own neighbourhood that moves through space.
Interaction with aliens, exploring different worlds, finding secrets and dangers, it would all be there, as well as various high tech technology.

9. Colonial age sims.
White powdered wigs, tricone hats, pirates, fancy balls, duels with rapiers or flintlock pistols, musical concerts, etc.
You can develop some huge decadent mansions for wealthy sims to live in, but they could also live on a ship and sail the seas, looking for treasure. Or they could become a famous musical composer. Would be no slavery by the way since it's sims, and it could show more than American/British cultures.

10. Mass Effect sims.
The whole setting seems to fit for a science fiction sims game, it has a unique style of technology, interesting aliens and a lot to work with, it's owned by EA as well. Could have some overlap with the space sims idea, but also more urban cities and working in an established setting instead of just starting colonies. Would not be so much exploration, more just day to day life but with a few exciting professions.

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