Forum Discussion

CathyTea's avatar
10 years ago

Writers' Lounge - For All Games!

My friend @friendsfan367 suggested, " i think it would be cool to have like a writer lounge where new writers like me could chat with old writers like you. opps i meant experinced."

So, here we have it! The Writers' Lounge, where new writers can chat with old writers like me!

This is a place to talk about all aspects of your writing! Every Simming and writing question is welcome, and everyone is invited to chime in with writerly suggestions, responses, jokes, feedback, gripes, comments, and conundrums.

Even though we're located in the Sims 4 area, writers of stories involving all Sims games are welcome!

We have people who write stories using Sims 2, Sims 3, and Sims 4 games--and everyone is appreciated and included!

You'll find that we're really welcoming, and we're really cool, and this thread is totally awesome. And we have a few common sense guidelines to help keep it that way. (We've learned from experience! :wink: )

  • Treat each other with kindness, acceptance, appreciation, and respect.
  • Follow the EA Forum Guidelines.
  • Remember that this is a public forum, meaning that anybody anywhere with Internet access can read what you write. If you're a youngster, don't write anything you wouldn't want your mom to read. If you're an adult, don't write anything you wouldn't want your kid or niece or nephew to read.

    Please don't feel bad if we pop in for gentle reminders if things get really OT or if we start to veer from the forum guidelines. We still love you!

    I'll keep the coffee and tea pots full--you bring your favorite mug, and let's kick back and chat about writing!

    Daily Conversations

    Join us for daily conversations! We've got themed conversations Monday - Sunday. Of course, you can talk about other things, too! But if you're looking for a specific topic, swing by and join us!

    Writer/Reader Community Threads
    You might also enjoy these threads: Freezer Bunny Book Club | Short Story Writing Challenges

    How Do I Get Started Writing?
    If you have questions about writing SimLit, please see the following guide, written and compiled by @JulyVee94.
    A Quick Guide to SimLit

    Directory of Active Members
    Here's a listing of the blogs/threads of the regulars here. If you'd like to have your blog or thread listed here, please let @friendsfan367 or me (CathyTea) know. I'm kinda busy, so it might take me a little while to get you listed, but I definitely will list your story here, if you request it! And... Happy Reading! :smiley:

    Note: Some of these stories may contain adult subject matter. Please read at your discretion.

    Acarb90 - Metro - A City Story | Thirty: Looking to the future...
    AdamsEve1231 - Kassiopeia Fullbright Story Series | Colt Family Traitacy | From Riverview, With Love | La Vita Bella | Livin' A Simmin' Life | Meanwhile in Another Part of Town | Other Stories | Simblr | Darkness May Dream
    AkramA - Castellon Legacy
    aroseinbloom - A Rose In Bloom Sims
    Arrowleaf - The Landon Legacy
    BBQPenguinWings Trish - A Penguin's Adventure in Simming
    BlackUndecimber - Winter's Alchemy
    Bugsie2016 - Burton Legacy | Life's Lessons | What Are We Really Made Of? |People of the Light Tribe
    CathyTea - CathyTea's SimLit Anthology
    cecerose0208 - Dreams & Drama Blog on Wordpress/
    CharmingMaruska - Truly Curly's Disney Legacy
    Chrinnie - The Alvarez Chronicles
    CitizenErased - Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust *Completed | Paranormal Neighborhood
    cshaner - Simfluence: Where Sims Influence the Story
    cully_c - Short Stories | Simmillionaire | Wonder Child
    Darra84 - My Incredible Adventure in the Sims 4 World
    DeafSimmer - Deafsimmer's Sims 4 Stories
    DeiraShadeweaver - The Shadowden (Tumblr) | Deira Plays Sims (Wordpress)
    divanthesimmer - Divan, the Simmer's SimLit Blog
    Dollyllama108 - Catastrophe Theory
    EiraRose - Song of the Nightingale
    eXokamikaze - ninjapigsims
    fabtiffsim - The Ojas Tribe
    Faoiltearna - Faoiltearna Sims
    Firande - Black Sheep
    friendsfan367 - friendsfan36
    gameplay9098 - Nerdsimmer's Blog
    GhostlyPix - Keep Moving Forward
    iheartdinosx3 - The Belle Legacy
    ilovebunnys65 - The Watergates
    InfraGreen - No Stars Over Uptown
    JellySimwich - Life Is
    Jes2G - Jes2G Stories
    JoieWilder - The Thoreau Legacy | Building Us and The More the Wilder
    JulyVee - Julyvee's Sims Stories | Vee is for Vortex
    Karilan - Living with Grace
    Katrinasforest - Clanbuilding for Dummies
    Kurdaneva - The Red Hourglass | The Dark Tale of C.hana Hale
    Laura_Jones - The Candle Lit Chronicles
    LegacySims2017 - Legacy Sims
    lisabee2 - Simsational
    lone_cat - Lost in a Magic Realm
    LostInReverie - From the Hart
    lovesstorms - Lovesstorms Stories
    Lynwood - Gieke Legacy | Wishing Upon a Star 2.0 | Operation: Pollinate Newcrest!
    LyricSimz15 - Eclipse's Simlit Stories
    Madame Lee - Charming Disney Legacy | Disney Sims Neighborhood
    Maladi777 - The Heffner Legacy
    MamaSimMacho - As the Plumbob Turns
    mamasquirrel - Simetics Simedy
    mastressalita - Sim Stories
    MedleyMisty - In the Valley of the Sun
    Meggles - MeggSims
    MonaSolstraale - A Turtle's Journey | Tusnelda and Trix
    MrsRacooney - Daughters of the Warrioress
    MunterBacon - Ironbound and My Life as a Zombie
    Nerdfashion - Tales of My Sims
    OJenn - Memoir Me | Memoir Me Thread
    orangeplumbob - Second Chances
    peatock - Velasco Legacy
    Pegasus - makplays
    PinotGrigio - Sims and Wine - The Circle
    PitlordMaggie - Greenwood Estate
    pronterus - Undead with Benefits
    ra3rei - Raerei's Fortress
    Rainydayz179 - Stormy Dayz Gamez
    rednenemom - The Racket-Rotter Chronicles
    RipuAncestor - The Fey of Life
    RoryGilmore34 - Legacies of the Sims
    RosemaryMariee - Noble Doubt and Other Stories
    Shadami - Adventures through SimLit
    Shadyboop - Beast
    SimmerSteffie - Priest Legacy
    simscognito - Friends of Foes
    Simslover163 - Sims Nation, Sims World, All Things Sims
    Sonniejj - Fiore Legacy Challenge
    Sourocha - The Life of the Majolentes
    squirrelwithacup - Nightshade
    StoriedStorm - The Family Black
    SunnyShay - Hella Good | Love Shot
    SummerFalls - SummerFalls Stories
    supernatural103 - Isaac Sisters
    swcheppes - Sim-ply Awesome
    sweetnightingale - Forever In Time | Another World | Colors of Loving | As Tears Go By | Sweet Nightingale's Sims | SimLit Legacies by Sharon
    TaraIris94 - Bachelorette Legacy
    TheAemaSimming - McGinnis Legacy
    TheMummyof4 - Vicarious Living
    ThePlumbob - The Bloomer Legacy
    TheYayToast - Rainbow Sundae
    Thymeless - Can You Hear the Violins? | Centauri Legacy
    Twiggy - Twiggy's Sims Adventures
    UniquePuggle - Wallingsford Historical Legacy
    VanityHigh - VanityHigh Sim Stories
    Wasting_Night - SimSacious Magazine
    xMike_BX - Murder Valley Sims

    Birthday Registry
    If your name is not on this list, and you'd like to be included (so that you can sample some of SummerFalls' awesome happiness birthday cupcakes on YOUR birthday), please PM CathyTea

    January 26th - Jes2G
    January 27th - eXokamikaze

    February 4th - The Sims!
    Februay 20th - Sourocha

    March 5th - Munterbacon
    March 12th - Swcheppes
    March 21st - ra3rei
    March 22nd - aroseinbloom

    April 17th - Pinmat135
    April 18th - TheAemaSimming
    April 19th - InfraGreen
    April 23rd - Maladi777
    April 26th - rednenemon

    May 12th - Pegasus143
    May 19th -Karilan

    June 20th - madamelee
    June 27th - Bugsie2016
    June 29th - SimsLover163

    July 3rd - ilovebunnys65
    July 7th - kurdaneva
    July 23rd - CathyTea
    July 26th - Shadami

    August 15th - For_Eorzea
    August 17th - friendsfan367
    August 23rd - ny275
    August 29th - Lisabee2

    September 1 - PitlordMaggie
    September 14th - Shadyboop
    September 16th - Pronterus and divanthesimmer
    September 19th - lovesstorms
    September 28th - VanityHigh
    Sept 29th - Anua92

    October 2nd - SilverDaybreak
    October 25th - DebraF63
    October 26th - Meggles

    November 4th - LegacySims2017
    November 10th - Simscognito
    November 26th - Faoiltearna
    November 29th - SimTresa

    December 9th - AdamsEve1231
    December 15th - LyricSimz15
    December 17th - StoriedStorm, MedleyMisty, and Acarb90
    December 22nd - nerdfashion
    December 29th - BlackUndecimber
  • 135,778 Replies

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