3 years ago
Wedding venue crashes
Hi. Back again with a house that crashes when I try to enter it. The problem is that it is the wedding venue house that I had to earn. If I delete it, I will not be able to get another one as it i...
I'm sure OP already had this issue solved somehow, but the same thing happened to me with a house on the starter lot and support never got back to me after saying they will "transfer" my issue. I didn't even expect to have the house working, but demolish instead, specially because I had some crafting stations in there as well and that was keeping me from even trying to participate in the special events.
The way I fixed this was relocating a whole family to this house lot, the game crashed at least twice but then saved the change, and then relocated that family again. That way the pets I had in the house moved with them (keep in mind that the family has to be petless and so does the house you´ll relocate them after) and I was then able to demolish the house and recover the items I had in it.
I have not tried to build a house again in this lot or do anything with it because I'm afraid the game will continue to crash, but if someone is in a similar situation and has no idea on how to fix the issue, I hope my experiece helps somehow.
Hi. i tried your suggestion but after putting a sim in the venue, it completely crashed and could not get back in to the game. Had to delete the game and re install. Fortunately my sim was back where he was originally. Wedding venue still crashes so think I will have to delete it, which is frustrating as I cannot get another one. This is the second architecture building that has done that (restaurant) and had to delete it.
I clearly do not understand
You did say you got it through a quest
If you got the venue through the Live Event Wedding Bells, you should be able to buy more venues as you unlocked the template
But you say you cannot, which confuses me as I do not understand how that can be if you got it through the event
You also mention Architect Houses, in which case you bought it as an AH, you can not get another one
I do not know which it is since you said you got it through a quest and that it was an Architect House - it can not be both which also confuses me and I can not understand it
As you have chosen not to disclose where this lot is placed nor what kind of device or OS you're using,
I can not be of further assistance as I obviously do not understand how this issue arose or how to begin to advice you on a remedy
I am just a volunteer player helping out and this is beyond what I can understand or help with
I strongly recommend, you contact support, I'll link it below
This forum is provided by EA but is designed as Player helping Player, in this case we can not do much for you
Contact Firemonkeys support: https://help.firemonkeys.com.au/hc/en-us/requests/new or get there in game: green ... button at the bottom of the screen; Talkbubble with ?
I personally can not sign in with chrome or safari, so you might need to try different browsers (I use Edge)
Or contact support via FB or Twitter, links are at the bottom of the page