6 years ago
Fairy costume tutorial
Hi !!!! 😊 I know that a lot of people do love the fairy costume from Izzy and do really want one! But they really stuck on terrible outfits which Izzy loves to give away..lol. While i am hosting ...
This sounds like a coincidence or conspiracy theory... but if it's true...!? Anyone else seen any correlation between what they sticker and what Izzy gives you?
I have a couple of fairy dresses.
I didn't use any of the strategies above. It's just coincidence.
I have 5 fairy dresses. I also noticed no pattern or strategy. I just started with a few hundred gems and kept trying until I got a fairy dress. I do the same thing for superhero costumes for my boys.
Well off course it is a better chance with a lot of fashion gems.
But it really works faster with the stickering and friendship...
Some people are lucky and get often rare stuff from Izzy.
But not everbody has that luck so often and that's why i gave some hints to get it faster.
For the people who are trying it very long and have no idea why it does not work.
Friends who asked me for hints got their fairy after trying it very hard for a longer time.
With this method!
Some people go to izzy and directly get rare costumes..without investing some tricks...
Some go there with 400 saved fashion gems and get only random costumes, because of the wrong timing and because of unluck and they did not prepare it.
For example if you buy dresses before in your favourite colour you have a better chance to get an outfit..rare ones...
This method gives just a faster chance to get a rare costume!
It is just a small help..up to you if you want to test .
Off course you can do nothing and one day you get it ...
But then it is only luck!!!!
And no this is not nonsense...it really works but i is work and constant playing this!!!!