6 years ago
Fairy costume tutorial
Hi !!!! 😊 I know that a lot of people do love the fairy costume from Izzy and do really want one! But they really stuck on terrible outfits which Izzy loves to give away..lol. While i am hosting ...
Today i went to Izzy again with only 21 fashion gems and finally got the light blue fairy costume and got it with angel wings boost ..
Nothing saved..nothing spent with real cash..
Just constantly played like i explained.
And last week i also got one but allready had the colour and i did not like the boost.
But this time i am loving what Izzy gave.
Did not have this colour untill yet..
And Angel wings on this colour are pretty sweet..skyblue with angel wings and golden fairy wings.
Now i am missing only two colors from the fairy costumes to have all.
I think when i will be done i will collect different boosts on this costume. Haha...
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