Re: Propose option- not available
Is the NPC an elder, maybe a townie with a makeover? If the answer is yes, they won't be able to marry as elder NPCs can't marry.
If the NPC is young and you can't see the proposal option try this:
1. Close the game and restart the phone.
2. Click on the Sim you want to propose to.
3. Scroll down through the options to see if the propose option is at the bottom of the list. (It sometime is but usually isn't)
4. Check all of the romantic Flirty options.
5. If it isn't there check all of the options under Rival.
6. If it isn't there check all of the options under Friendly.
7. If it isn't there check all of the options under romantic Flirty, again. The proposal option should be there.
NPCs move in automatically to the household after the wedding. You will need a free Sim slot to promote them and make them playable.
Sims with a blue plumbob belong to other players. Your Sims can have romantic relationships with them, propose and get married as long as they are young Sims. If you want them to move in, you send a request to the other player who can either accept or deny your request. You will need to have an empty Sim slot for this type of Sim to move in.