My 2 cents on the update, fwiw
I do like the Llamazone vs Daily task (although now my Sim will be a dirty hippie as I am not prompted to change it's clothing). BUT not enough reward for the time you spend.
I am happy to see the Events are gone- sheesh those suckers took all dang day
I was super happy to see they didn't change the new way we get the heirlooms, BUT you don't get as many heirloom tickets on your daily box to open
Happy to see new careers. Would LOVE new hobbies
TOO expensive to get anything
Would love a Tag Sale option under parties to get rid of some of the crap in my inventory (or a sell back, but that doesn't seem to be happening.) If neither, how about categories under the storage so I don't spend hours trying to find the 1 item I wanted to place.
Would love a 2nd (or 3rd) house option with a different SIM, so they aren't under the same roof (then I can use excess inventory, as well). I don't have them as relations or roommates, so why have the same house?