"xxsly;c-2214779" wrote:
how many other people were using alts? How many POIs did you have before other people due to said alts, allowing faster growth from bigger bonuses?
This was a response to chad's request of doing a particular experiment - playing in top alliance that uses alts, without using them myself. The point being to check how alts help individual growth relative to team. The answer is not much.
Of course being on a top team helps relative to not being on one, digging faster helps relative to slacking, etc etc. Having your team using alts speeds up digging relative to not using them. By how much and is it worth it - that's a good question.
On tib 18 we used to rotate people through main alliance in large numbers so as to kill more bases and dig faster. You would think you can dig 3x faster. That particular way didn't work very well, it turns out it is better to have strong mains to dig. There are many ways of doing it. Everybody tries to find a faster way.
I think alts are useful, but you know for the peace of mind more than digging faster. E.g. you start a base and are a little short on bullets, didn't calculate right, or got killed and it gets harder without bonuses. Then bring an alt to help you out a bit to finish the base.
Compared with that, for example the BaseShare script has done a lot more to speed up digging, than using alts. You can predict much better if you are going to kill a base, whether it fits your faction and attack units. I think on this current wcs just that one script cut down the dig time by nearly a week compared with last wcs. Maybe having rules for who can shoot what, and related to cherry picking also helped in combination. Alts didn't have nearly a comparable effect.