Well, that's the balance right?
GDI = Advantage early game (Short-term game).
NOD - Advantage later game (Long-term game).
We saw this in WCS 2019. GDI players basically spearheaded the digging to the center. I don't count cherrypickers because they just plain suck (You know who you are). There are maybe 10 players I know that play NOD and can keep up with GDI to the center and that's because they are excellent simmers.
When WCS settled down, NOD players in Schaffa and AB eventually outgrew their GDI counterparts on average, but it still took several weeks.
The takeaway? If you're GDI, you should hope and pray to get to the center, and be stronger than NOD before NOD researches sally upgrade. Afterwords, you're screwed. :)
Caveat: The dynamics of the game has changed a bit with NAPs going to level 60+. This extends the game time even on FA worlds which means that top NOD players will get late game upgrades before the center which does put GDI at a disadvantage.