Yes, but not ending servers only drags down a server. How many drives in it? How much ram being used! HOW much money is EA losing to not freeing up space or bandwidth on a server and merely launching more massive problems! They Don't care about the gamers! Only the profits. 1 of our team mates worked in the U.K studio with EA. It's about time someone takes action as it use to fun playing, but now most servers are screwed with errors.
Freeing up servers by removing players will not only make a different impact of the game it will also change the style of play! As Mod's you's should surely see many statements regarding this, but all it really is , is about making profits. In our country that's deception and is an illegal offense. but maybe you's use to be the school yard bully and still love it! When I come across within EA again about Endgame, I will gladly repost it to show that even Mod's don't know it all or just simply don't give a rats arse!