Forum Discussion

R1ngpu11's avatar
5 years ago


hi everyone, i looked at this game closely and after analysis asked myself if it was a true strategy game.
first of all take a look at a few facts, this game is about growing and who can the fastest, is this based on strategy?
most of the top players are funded.
in the 2 worlds i have played what comes to my attention is the size of alliances when going for the fortress.
my belief is how to level things up and give smaller alliances a better chance of stardom, who themselves have great strategists but smaller in size see the game end as soon as its begun. would this idea work where only a sole alliance limited to 32 players and 1 reserve would be allowed to hold hubs, whether it be wings or anyone else but unique and un-mixed, will a stronger emphasis on strategy over credits take place.
for me its about giving everyone a chance avoiding the constant mass merging of alliances. on world conversation iv'e seen people say they're bored and i get a feeling of knowing what they mean.
if you are a long time player maybe you could throw some light this way so i can see where my thoughts are wrong.
thank you for reading ringpull
  • so maybe instead of calling it Wrath or Tib world they could call is a Clown world instead lol

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