It is his personal opinion and he is spot on. I'm going to guess here, and please take no offense, that you've never actually won a server? Think about work you butt off, you spend, you grind, you fight and you win a server. You take the fort down, you are first in the Hall of Fame on that server. As the game is currently constructed you then make a decision what happens from here. Do you facilitate or do you set fire to the entire thing?
It's up to you, you won. I won't argue that it sucks for everyone else in the server that wants a go at the fort to have this happen. But what you are asking is for the developers of a game that is well over 5 years old to save you from your own defeat. I'm not saying the end game is perfect it isn't. Frankly I prefer the pre fortress end game to the current one but we've had this discussion over and over again and never found the exact right answer.
As for PvP I'm in on anything that enhances PvP. The game has drifted WAY too far away from in IMHO, PvP is fun and should be a focus not something avoided because people found a way, at one time, to exploit it.