Two things, 1. The real world is moderated by the first amendment..... here bullies live forever due to those that defend them and their rights to bully, rather than the profitability / popularity to a greater public... thus dooming the game to a "no future" future.
2. If you were asked to invest in a game that was lets say "The new Plants v c&c" or this platform that is loosing numbers and will soon be in the red, Which would you chose? Trust me no one is going to invest in a game that chooses to not be appealing to new players (like this one is). NO CASH = NO FUTURE development /support
3. What if you had a chance before it goes down the drain to save it but you had to allow a few small changes that curbed the "legacy" power and gang stalking and bullies.... (that you defend so much) and it turned the platform profitable so the game was appealing to more than just masochists, and thus the numbers grew would you take that chance and save the game or let it die out of unwillingness to allow for change? I imagine you would rather it die than curb the bullies.... but surprise me, prove me wrong and tell me that you see the need for change...