7 years ago
Other Languages
Since the Tiberium Alliances game is multi languages. I think there is a need of a script that will allow commanders to create a list of players who have other languages then when you click on the player name their language is also seen or better still displayed next to their player name. Also the script should have the ability to send a message to all those with the same language.
In the alliance I am in we have Germans who only speak German, Russians who only speak Russian, French, Italians, Dutch etc. I send a message to the entire alliance in English, I forget about the other languages and either no one understands the message or they use Google translate and it shows up as gibberish.
In the alliance I am in we have Germans who only speak German, Russians who only speak Russian, French, Italians, Dutch etc. I send a message to the entire alliance in English, I forget about the other languages and either no one understands the message or they use Google translate and it shows up as gibberish.