7 years ago
World 6 - Anyone still active here?
I thought to see if my account from 7 years ago is still around and, yes, there it was. The bases were destroyed and it did take me a while to figure out how to play the game again, but I'm growing to like this game again.
Now, I don't want to start in a new server. I am happy to try my hand against PvE and don't want to attack player bases if I don't need to.
I was wondering if someone in any of the top 4 alliances can throw me an invite? I was a former member/officer of Cheng Guan. If someone can throw me a lifeline, that'll be much appreciated. IGN is 7ev3n-Ed.
Now, I don't want to start in a new server. I am happy to try my hand against PvE and don't want to attack player bases if I don't need to.
I was wondering if someone in any of the top 4 alliances can throw me an invite? I was a former member/officer of Cheng Guan. If someone can throw me a lifeline, that'll be much appreciated. IGN is 7ev3n-Ed.