Forum Discussion

BambiByte's avatar
6 years ago

Script error / Maelstrom Tools ADDON - City Online Status Colorer

I experience this on Firefox, with the latest Tampermonkey on. (Crucial Pack)

...and this is on Chrome - also Crucial pack

It would be fine to have an individual fix for it. I would rather switch the script off in the pack and install a fixed colorer's standalone version.

  • Try here:

    It is listed as updated 11 months ago. I don't use it so don't know if it works.
  • Add-on packs are not supported by the developers - you may be lucky and get someone who has corrected the problem and is willing to share the script, but don't hold your breath!
  • I tried to find the standalone colorer script, but there is an old version only.
    Hope dies last. :)
  • Thx for the effort :)
    The one included in the pack is switched off, and the offered version is installed. It seems to be ok with less error. (in Chrome, it has a much better upshot, in Firefox just minor changes)

    Scrpt usage seems to be a compromise between having more effective gaming experience - paired with errors and (sometimes) unexpected behavior.
