Forum Discussion

orMedic's avatar
Rising Newcomer
6 days ago

Still stuck in attack .. NOT solved as of 9-21-24

I still have bases in World 59 that are stuck in attack mode. I also have one base that is stuck in alert mode from an incoming attack. This issue is definitely not solved.



  • bifincat's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Still stuck in atack progress WORLD 3 SPAIN I still have bases in World 3 SPAIN that are stuck in attack mode. We Need a solution inmediate.

  • Still stuck in atack progress WORLD 3 SPAIN I still have bases in World 3 SPAIN that are stuck in attack mode. I Need a solution inmediate

  • EE_kalyn's avatar
    Icon for Envision Team rankEnvision Team

    Thanks for reporting! We added the world to our list and restart as soon as possible. 

    • GUERRILLERO87378's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      I Need a solution inmediate in world 3 spain   for the error "atack in progress"

  • World 59 is already on the list for investigation on Monday morning.  I agree, it is not solved.