Original Post:
I have 3 accounts in each of 3 worlds. I use substitution continuously, rarely turning it off on worlds where there is no substitution penalty, to quickly switch between accounts from the very first day the accounts are opened. Thus, the "exist" and "active" days should be nearly the same on these worlds. On a 3rd world, there is a substitution restriction and I use substitution very sparingly. The Substitution Days Counter appears to be inaccurately logging active substitution days on all 3 worlds:
1. World 90 West Coast - no substitution restrictions - as of 03/03/2020
Acct 1 exist days = 2,206; active sub days = 0 (primary account which accepts subs from alt accounts)
Acct 2 exits days = 2,136; active sub days = 1,716 (low since this alt acct has been subbed from the start)
Acct 3 exist days = 2,135; active sub days = 916 (ridiculously low since this acct has also been continuously subbed from the start)
2. Wrath 23 - no substitution restrictions - as of 03/03/2020
Acct 1 exist days = 534; active sub days = 0 (primary account which accepts subs from alt accounts)
Acct 2 exist days = 533; active sub days = 128 (low since this alt acct has been subbed regularly, mostly continuously, from the start)
Acct 3 exist days = 533; active sub days = 32 (ridiculously low since this alt acct has also been subbed regularly, mostly continuously, from the start))
3. Tiberian 43 - severe substitution restrictions - as of 03/03/2020
Acct 1 exist days = 32; active sub days = 0 (primary account which accepts subs from alt accounts)
Acct 2 exist days = 32; active sub days = 1 (low since this alt acct was subbed regularly, sometimes continuously, for the first couple weeks of its existence)
Acct 3 exist days = 32; active sub days = 33 (yes *33* sub days for this alt acct that has been in existence for only 32 days!!!) This is an egregious error. This account was *not* subbed for a full 2 weeks of its existence, so how can the active sub days be greater than the number of days the acct has been in existence. I know Origin records account activity, so check this and you will see that I am right.
On Tiberian 43, I got a sub violation warning shortly after the 2nd week of activity because I had been subbing accts 2 and 3 dally, but not continuously. I only activated the subs when I was online and upgrading or farming. There is no way I could have accumulated more sub days than days of actual account existence!! What are you doing? Counting as a sub day each time I login and actively sub an alt acct? I sometimes do this 2 or 3 times a day. Does each time count as a whole active sub day even if I am subbing for only an hour at a time? The key word here seems to be *active*, as in online and actively using a sub account from a primary account. I am online only a few hours a day, so to accumulate a full day of active subbing would take me several days. You seem to be charging me a full day of active subbing when in fact, it is only a few hours at most.
Origin needs to tell us *all* the sub rules including how you add up charges to the active sub days, and how the 50% rule is actually applied. There is clearly something really screwy going on here and it seems to me that all players are being cheated. Poorly defined and implemented rules are as bad as poorly written laws. Please explain all the details of the substitution rules and how you determine when a violation has occurred. Of course, there is no way to explain how active sub days could ever exceed the days an account has been in existence, so I am really interested to hear how you managed to do this.