6 years ago
There is a bug in chat
There is a bug in chat that causes another players info to be pulled up when you click on a players name and then choose info from the popup menu it will bring up info of another player instead and it can be easily missed and create all kinds of issues like it almost did for TTD on Tiberium 32. Here is a screenshot showing what came up from the bug on bottom right and what the right info is above that from clicking on his base. Look at Chat and see the player in chat is Raffy and the chat info is for a member of Schatten Krieger who also happens to be the biggest enemy of all the TTD Alliances on Tib 32 and thus you can see how this bug could have easily caused TTD ALLFORONE Leuko to end up getting thrown out of the family and turned red over it if not identified prior to this by myself and then made aware of to all of the other family members and making all aware of it. So we would appreciate it EA if you would fix it so it does not cause trouble for others as well. Thanks and Regards, xxxK1NGT1Bxxx
Screenshot link https://prnt.sc/qgtt4y
Screenshot link https://prnt.sc/qgtt4y