5 years agoRising Ace
Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) - Testing - Modding - Fixing
Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) - Testing - Modding - Fixing
This is the reference thread dedicated to improving Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) Script.
Follows the discussion, hard work and deep testing done at
Improving the script started aiming at resolving a problem introduced in 19.5 server update that adds a new bar in AttackSetup area causing difficulty to see the first line of Defense when attacking.
Most recent test version is available at CnCTA-SoO-SCRIPT-PACK Repo on GitHub
Last version -> 22.05.12
Changelog since 18.07.12 (or such) - Jobs done so far:
Any help, suggestion and feedback is much appreciate. Bugs and testing better come with screenshots or debug console errors.
IMPORTANT: Clear or Disable browser cache before testing and in case of problems/errors.
@iguanaworld @nefrontheone
This is the reference thread dedicated to improving Tiberium Alliances Battle Simulator V2 (TABS) Script.
Follows the discussion, hard work and deep testing done at
Improving the script started aiming at resolving a problem introduced in 19.5 server update that adds a new bar in AttackSetup area causing difficulty to see the first line of Defense when attacking.
Most recent test version is available at CnCTA-SoO-SCRIPT-PACK Repo on GitHub
Last version -> 22.05.12
Changelog since 18.07.12 (or such) - Jobs done so far:
- PlayArea(MainOverlay) positioning to unhide First Line Defense
- Changed and fixed side bars for better view
- New code for detecting Desktop Resize and improve View
- MovebleBox for units managing now Save its position
- Other minor GUI fixes
- Removed TABS function for ShiftTopAttackBarButtons and modified native 19.5 similar bar
- Fixed Top bar button Shift Units not always aligned - rewrite and used native structure
- Enabled MovebleBox FREE outside PlayArea
- Enabled Standard units function selection for Trasported/Tranportation Units
- Added SkipVictoryWindow Option
- 20.1 Patch Ready
- 20.2 Patch Ready
- Some Sim Presets Fixes+
- Fix for Sim View with Autorepair
- Fix open/close stats for replays
- Back Button fix also for replays
Skip Button removed- Patch for 22.2
- NOEVIL for all code
- New Fixes for simulation + ReplayBar + Date hidden
- New SkipSimulation Function
- -
Any help, suggestion and feedback is much appreciate. Bugs and testing better come with screenshots or debug console errors.
IMPORTANT: Clear or Disable browser cache before testing and in case of problems/errors.
@iguanaworld @nefrontheone