Forum Discussion

willp1998's avatar
11 years ago

4500 decoration warning.

I really wish EA would lower that amount, or put a block on any more decs being added once that 4500 is reached, or both. It's the main reason i have crashes on certain towns when i'm visiting neighbours, because there are so many decorations.

Controversial i know, but would solve the problem hopefully of constant crashes

Fed up having to go through KL to try and visit the towns and then it crashes again as the screen loads to take me to that Springfield. It's annoying. So in my opinion, it is true it affects game performance and makes it laggy or crash on a device

Sorry to be stright to the point but i say it as i've seen it. No lies, no BS, just being honest, sorry everyone
  • Im 500 decorations over the limit and i haven't had any problems with lagging
  • Most people who see it are like well over the limit. The older your device, the slower your connection to the internet, how many pending friend requests you have all influence your lag. I think the warning is just EA covering their butts by saying "if your game crashes it ain't our fault"
  • Is there a way to shut this warning off? It started today for me, saying I reached 4500 decorations, oddly after REMOVING a bunch of streets ( yes, I borrowed the idea from Barry :mrgreen:
    It comes on every single time I try to move an item. It took long enough before, this is just an added annoyance. I'm trying to just redesign sections but think I'll have to remove some items to avoid this warning.

    Happy tapping.
  • I find it only send through that info when you are at a specific number of decorations. Add a couple more and it goes away, or remove some lol.
    I am one of those who has been ignoring the warnings for a long while now.
    Sorry to my friends who may be on older devices.
  • jukan00's avatar
    New Spectator
    Don't worry about the warning. I was at 7,000 for awhile and my town still worked fine- and I only have a samung galaxy S2. Yep, my phone is over three years old.
    (Of course there is a true limit at 7,500 and you can' place anything after that.)
    I wish they would up the limit because we get more land occasionally and I like lots of decorations.
  • I've never gotten over the idea that, when they calculate and restrict number-of-items,

    THIS item:

    Is given the same weight as THIS item:

    Btw, @dave, I routinely find that the slow towns have lots of water, specifically bridges. Does anyone else experience this?