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8 years ago

4th of July 2017: Walkthrough

Crack Prattle and BANG!

Auto starts on June 28th

Hollis Hurlbut: Finally! Some good old fashioned Independence Day fireworks!
Hollis Hurlbut: Straight from the eighteenth century too! You don't get more American than that!
Lisa: The box says made in China.
Task: Place a Patriotic Box of Fireworks
Note: You can place your already own one by storing it and placing it back.

Essay on the Principle of Procrastination Pt. 1

After completing It's About Time Pt. 3
Auto starts on June 28th

Bart: Lisa! Betcha you can't tell me, in five paragraphs, your favorite thesis and supporting statements about an American President?
Lisa: You're trying to get me to write a school essay for you, aren't you?
Bart: Essay writing is hard for me, Lisa. I'm not like you. You know... boring.
Lisa: Best be on your way to the library, brother. The Dewey decimal system is a tough nut to crack.
Bart: I'd rather die!

Task: Make Bart Plan a “Life Hack” for Writing an Essay
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Essay on the Principle of Procrastination Pt. 2

Auto starts

Bart: I've got it! Why read about the Presidents, when I can go speak to them myself?
Lisa: You mean... use Dad's toaster to travel back in time and collect America's greatest leaders?
Lisa: That's actually... kind of… brilliant!
Bart: Be back soon. Just need to set this thing to the date of America's founding -- One million B.C.
Lisa: Try 1789. But wait... something's nagging at me. The Fourth of July... U.S. Presidents... augh, what is it?
Bart: Don't know, don't care. Like I said -- you're boring. Bye!

Task: Make Bart Travel to the Past to Collect Presidents
Time: 6s
Location: Homer's Workbench

Essay on the Principle of Procrastination Pt. 3

Auto starts

Lisa: That was quick.
Bart: Several months from my point of view. I‘m eleven now, by the way.
Lisa: I figured out what was bothering me. Each year at this time, a different ex-President appears in Springfield.
Lisa: Lincoln, Washington, Roosevelt, Nixon. And now we know why. YOU brought them all here. With Dad's toaster.
Bart: It IS pretty hard to get the return year right when your only time machine control is a “doneness” knob.
Lisa: If you'll excuse me, I want to freshen up for whichever ex-Prez is coming this year!

Task: Make Bart Wait for Presidents to Arrive
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Lisa Dress to Impress Presidents
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Lisa: Who's coming this year, Bart?
Bart: Mike.
Lisa: President Mike?
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Plans are nothing, planning is everything!
Lisa: Oh... “Ike”. Not “Mike”, dummy. As in “I like Ike”.
Bart: Well, so far Cue Ball hasn't written word one of my essay. You can like Ike all you want. I am NOT a fan.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Eisenhower Purchased Dialogue

Auto starts

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Now then, why am I in the future?
Lisa: Well, Mr. President, you see--
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Let the men talk.
Lisa: 1950s guys...
Bart: Well sir, there is a five-paragraph essay that requires your military genius to complete.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Hmm. Would you describe Operation Essay to be the most critical, complex multi-force action ever undertaken by this great nation and its allies?
Bart: I would, sir.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Convene my general staff! Take me to HQ! We've got a war to win!

Essay on the Principle of Delegation Pt. 1

Dwight D. Eisenhower starts

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Now, then. Essays are won or lost on the might of the thesis statement. What do we have so far?
Bart: Uh... “Eisenhower, despite being bald, was a great leader and of our many presidents, he was one”?
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Do you know the first thing about me?
Bart: No, and I don't really want to. If you could just write the paper--
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Son, this will be the greatest paper ever conceived by the minds of free men. Strap in!

Task: Make Eisenhower Teach Bart About Eisenhower
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Bart Try to Avoid Learning About Eisenhower
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Essay on the Principle of Delegation Pt. 2

Dwight D. Eisenhower starts

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Are all American children as lazy as your brother, miss? You may speak.
Lisa: Oh, really? Gee, thanks for the permission.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: You're welcome.
Lisa: Anyway, no. But Bart's not lazy, exactly. In fact, he won't stop until he gets one of you to write the paper for him.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Hmm. Oh, on another topic -- in my day the Russians were quite a threat to our democracy. How we doing on that front nowadays?
Lisa: About that...

Task: Make Bart Figure Out How to Convince Presidents
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Essay on the Principle of Delegation Pt. 3

Dwight D. Eisenhower starts

Dwight D. Eisenhower: I will not be coerced into writing your paper for you, young man.
Bart: Oh yeah? Well I've just come back from the library, and I dug up dirt on ALL you ex-Presidents.
Lisa: I thought the whole point was to AVOID research, Bart.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Are you trying to blackmail us, young man?

Task: Make Bart Blackmail the Presidents
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Presidents Get Nervous
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Characters: Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Washington, Richard Nixon, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Bart, do you honestly believe any of us have embarrassing photos in our past?
George Washington: Certainly not of me, there were no cameras back in the 18th century.
Richard Nixon: Dick Nixon'll do whatever you ask. Blackmail away.

Essay on the Principle of Delegation Pt. 4

Dwight D. Eisenhower starts

Bart: I give up. I'm gonna fail.
Dwight D. Eisenhower: What? No operation of mine has EVER failed!
Dwight D. Eisenhower: The arsenal of democracy cannot suffer defeat! You will finish this essay, or I will finish it for you!
Bart: Uh... no?
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Step aside! Ex-Presidents! Gather ‘round! Your country needs you once more!

Task: Make Eisenhower Hand Over His Essay
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP