Forum Discussion

hipmama197190's avatar
10 years ago

Ammo, Facehugger, and Squishable questions... (spoilers)

No need to keep people free; aliens attach while on tasks.

Others may be able to answer the other questions better than I.
  • Q: Where does ammo come from?

    I have received ammo as a random reward in treat bags, squishing Rigellian invaders, and blowing up UFOs. Seems kind of rare, there.

    Also, the Ray Gun I bought today with donuts (which I believe is a re-released item) pays out 1x ammo every 8 hours.

    Q: When you are shooting at a UFO in a neighbor's Springfield, should you shoot it a bunch of times...

    I just sort of kept tapping the screen as it went by. I blew up about five of them in various towns (both friends' and my own). It doesn't seem to matter where you tap it, nor does there appear to be an advantage to "saving" your ammo. You got a bullet and see a UFO. Kill it. Profit.

    Q: Will facehuggers attach on a person who is on a task?

    Yup. I just watched Smithers get 'hugged while Whipping it, and I've seen others get attached while both on and off tasks. It doesn't seem to matter. Also, seems random, and other than enjoying the animation of face-hugging, there doesn't seem to be any bonus payout or otherwise any sort of advantage to squishing invaders attached or not. They pay the same.

    Q: Lastly, how long does it take for the little squishable aliens to respawn in your own Springfield, and is there a limit to how many there can be before they stop spawning? Is there a period of time in which we don't need to bother checking in because there won't be any to squish? But if you wait too long you will be missing out on one's that could be spawned if you'd made room by squishing their predecessors?

    Aliens spawn once every five minutes, and when they do, there is an audio and visual queue. The alert is just a particular sound you'll learn to recognize. As for the visual queue: If you just let your city set there after a few moments the UI disappears (touch anything and it comes back). Well, when that noise sounds the "crafting icon" in the upper-right corner of the screen (where the CoC attack button was) will become visible even if you don't touch anything, as an visual queue that there's an invader in your town.

    After about 30mins away to go pick-up dinner, I came back to find four invaders in my town. Not sure if that's a hard limit or just what I could find in that time.

    I haven't done enough testing to answer the rest of your questions regarding the alien spawning, but I hope the above helps.

    Happy Tappy Halloween!

  • When I logged in for the first time this morning (after sleeping for about four hours) there were a bunch of invaders in my town. I tried to count how many I squished, but there were so many that sometimes I'd get multiple hits for each tap, so I lost count, but I know I got a few more than 43.

    This is close to one invader spawning every five minutes ( 12/hr x 4hrs = 48 ).
  • I noticed that sometimes it takes a few taps to hit the UFO, but it only consumed one ammo from my experience.
  • OrdinarilyBob wrote:
    Q: Where does ammo come from?

    I have received ammo as a random reward in treat bags, squishing Rigellian invaders, and blowing up UFOs. Seems kind of rare, there.

    Also, the Ray Gun I bought today with donuts (which I believe is a re-released item) pays out 1x ammo every 8 hours.

    Is this for real?! I can't say that this needs to be fixed EA! I have had three of these d%#n Ray guns, and yes, the first two were purchased with donuts back when Kang & Kodos first becam now with this new update I have NO way to purchase another (it's not available in my market, due to the fact explained above) so why doesn't my ray gun produce 1x ammo every 8 hours???

  • ".... and other than enjoying the animation of face-hugging, there doesn't seem to be any bonus payout or otherwise any sort of advantage to squishing invaders attached or not. They pay the same. "

    I am getting 3 probes when i tap a facehugger off but only 1 probe from tapping an alien just wandering around - anyone else?
  • kennedy6988 wrote:
    ...why doesn't my ray gun produce 1x ammo every 8 hours???

    Sorry to hear Kennedy. This is my first Halloween, so I did not previously own the Ray Gun. I just bought it. The strange thing is that I can't tap on it to check its progress like any normal building, to see how much time is left on its task. But I did notice a bullet floating above it, and when tapped, I got a bullet. This was last night. At one point I was moving it around, and stored it in my inventory. I happened to look at the little (i) button and the description there specifically said it creates 1 bullet / 8hrs. I'll try to get a screen shot at some point, if you want. This morning I got another bullet. You might try contacting EA support if yours isn't producing.

    fx5020 wrote:
    ...I am getting 3 probes when i tap a facehugger off but only 1 probe from tapping an alien just wandering around - anyone else?

    That's strange. When I tap an invader in my city, whether solo or while it's face hugging, I see only one probe "symbol" pop up, but it's worth +3 probes. This is regardless of the invader's actions (hugging or not).
  • kennedy6988 wrote:
    OrdinarilyBob wrote:
    Q: Where does ammo come from?

    I have received ammo as a random reward in treat bags, squishing Rigellian invaders, and blowing up UFOs. Seems kind of rare, there.

    Also, the Ray Gun I bought today with donuts (which I believe is a re-released item) pays out 1x ammo every 8 hours.

    Is this for real?! I can't say that this needs to be fixed EA! I have had three of these d%#n Ray guns, and yes, the first two were purchased with donuts back when Kang & Kodos first becam now with this new update I have NO way to purchase another (it's not available in my market, due to the fact explained above) so why doesn't my ray gun produce 1x ammo every 8 hours???


    I have a ray gun from last year, and I did get a bullet from it today. Tapping on the Ray Gun just makes it shoot, no popup about time left or anything, but you will see this eventually: