Forum Discussion

sgaitandjiev's avatar
12 years ago

Are EA a bunch of bastards???

I think I voted for the wrong one :/
No they are not LAME AS HELL sure there is room for improvement and they need to fix things but at the end of the dy the made the game and give you free items,quests,characters,Donuts and regular updates.
  • Oh FFS! If you hate EA so much just delete the app, log off of the forum, and go about your life. Or better yet, do a better job! I'm sure you are a natural born applications developer, right? And no, making an online poll is not "programming".
  • I can understand why many are upset with EA's failure to respond to the problems with TSTO, but filling the forum with these polls is pointless.
  • So far it look like no, they are not lame, kind of a no brainer though, as for all it's problems, the majority of people on this forum like the game.

    However, if you were to do a poll about whether or not 'add me' threads were lame...
  • Don't be ridiculous, if you don't like the game then go away. Let's face it, if ea weren't here then there are many games that would not exist and I'd rather live in a world with them rather than without. They released a massive update for Halloween which was awesome and yeah there are still some issues but this is a massive worldwide game, name me another massive worldwide game that doesn't have any issues.
  • Yes, EA are the worst gaming company currently.
    They're * practices include:
    1. Buying great developers eg. Maxis, Bioware ect. who had great franchices such as Mass Effect, and then subsequently force these developers to rush their games/make them appeal to the mass market and then turn these games to *. The founders of Bioware left the company cause of how EA crush their creative spirit.
    2. Day One DLC. They release games and on DAY ONE they ask you for extra money for additional missions.
    3. Online passes, so that the can crush second hand games. Many of their games require you to have a constant internet connection...
    4. The Simpsons Tapped Out has been a buggy mess from day 1, many people have lost their Springfields and they've done nothing about it. Their coustomer service is actually deplorable. The best responses people have actually got have been from Apple refunding their money from this rubbish.
  • him_hippo wrote:
    Yes, EA are the worst gaming company currently.
    They're * practices include:
    1. Buying great developers eg. Maxis, Bioware ect. who had great franchices such as Mass Effect, and then subsequently force these developers to rush their games/make them appeal to the mass market and then turn these games to *. The founders of Bioware left the company cause of how EA crush their creative spirit.
    2. Day One DLC. They release games and on DAY ONE they ask you for extra money for additional missions.
    3. Online passes, so that the can crush second hand games. Many of their games require you to have a constant internet connection...
    4. The Simpsons Tapped Out has been a buggy mess from day 1, many people have lost their Springfields and they've done nothing about it. Their coustomer service is actually deplorable. The best responses people have actually got have been from Apple refunding their money from this rubbish.

    So do you have any constructive advice for those of us who are still playing the game? Or are you just ranting in order to feel better?
  • I never acted like I could do better. I'm one person I am not a company. However, if I was in charge of this company, yes I believe I would make EA a lot better in terms of coustomer service, looking after the fidelity of smaller developers work and definetley try and improve the company's image.
    My 'constructive' advice is to stop playing this game until they fix the plethora of problems assosiated with it. Believe you me, KrustyBrand or wateva your name is, when YOUR game gets reset, which I really hope it does, you'll be singing a very different tune.
    The reason I hope your game resets is so that your blind fanboyism stops clouding your vision.
  • him_hippo wrote:
    I never acted like I could do better. I'm one person I am not a company. However, if I was in charge of this company, yes I believe I would make EA a lot better in terms of coustomer service, looking after the fidelity of smaller developers work and definetley try and improve the company's image.
    My 'constructive' advice is to stop playing this game until they fix the plethora of problems assosiated with it. Believe you me, KrustyBrand or wateva your name is, when YOUR game gets reset, which I really hope it does, you'll be singing a very different tune.
    The reason I hope your game resets is so that your blind fanboyism stops clouding your vision.

    Calm down.

    If you were at all familiar with my posting history, I think you would realize that I'm not an apologist for EA. I have to take strong exception to your characterization of me as a "fanboy". To be fair, many of the complaints you've levied against EA have merit and have been echoed by countless others. I get that. What I don't get is why you're here. You've clearly given up on this game. If I were in your position, I would probably do the same. But why are you still here engaging in these soapbox rants? You're not helping anyone here and you're probably not doing yourself any good either. You're understandably upset with a company that has treated you shabbily, but it's unrealistic and unfair of you to expect everyone else to quit playing.
  • KrustyBrand wrote:
    him_hippo wrote:
    I never acted like I could do better. I'm one person I am not a company. However, if I was in charge of this company, yes I believe I would make EA a lot better in terms of coustomer service, looking after the fidelity of smaller developers work and definetley try and improve the company's image.
    My 'constructive' advice is to stop playing this game until they fix the plethora of problems assosiated with it. Believe you me, KrustyBrand or wateva your name is, when YOUR game gets reset, which I really hope it does, you'll be singing a very different tune.
    The reason I hope your game resets is so that your blind fanboyism stops clouding your vision.

    Calm down.

    If you were at all familiar with my posting history, I think you would realize that I'm not an apologist for EA. I have to take strong exception to your characterization of me as a "fanboy". To be fair, many of the complaints you've levied against EA have merit and have been echoed by countless others. I get that. What I don't get is why you're here. You've clearly given up on this game. If I were in your position, I would probably do the same. But why are you still here engaging in these soapbox rants? You're not helping anyone here and you're probably not doing yourself any good either. You're understandably upset with a company that has treated you shabbily, but it's unrealistic and unfair of you to expect everyone else to quit playing.

    Well played sir.