Forum Discussion

FrogFaery's avatar
6 years ago

Bench jobs question(s)?

Firstly, everything I've found says that Mona and Grandpa should have a joint 8 hour task, but I don't have it, at all. Not even as a blocked job.

Does anyone have any idea as to why? Was the task a prize? (If so, I would think it would still show, just be blocked out, like Grady's 24 task.) I am at a complete loss as to why it's missing.

I love making seating areas around my Springfield, and what's the point of seating areas without characters to sit in them?
I think I know all the characters and jobs that use benches, but I could be wrong. :P

What ones can you think of?
  • Some players have an issue where the quest line does not trigger, possibly if she was obtained in a mystery box rather than when she was originally released.
  • Thank you!

    I saw a list on the wiki, but wasn't sure how accurate is was.

    Anyway, do you know if anyone has gotten the Mona/Grandpa issue addressed?
  • In response to your second point, I too love the seating places in my town. I have benches with most of my buildings. I would like to see EA update more bench types that can be used by characters since the krustyland bench, checkpoint park (secret agents) bench, hover bench, holo bench and ornate pier bench (I think) still can't be used.
  • Did you try having both Mona and Grandpa free, and then I believe it appears on Mona's task list. It's tricky because it does NOT indicate anywhere that it is a joint task.
  • To get Mona and Grampa to either dance or sit on bench, i have to have him free, but choose from her list, not his. Otherwise he'll go feed the birds alone. You may want to try storing them both, then bring back out maybe it'll unstick a glitch idk. Good luck
  • I've tried with both of them free, the task doesn't show no matter what (and they have a dance task?! I don't have that either!).
    I tried storing them. Didn't help. :(

    I think I'm just going to have to live with it. :persevere:

    Thank you for the suggestions!