Forum Discussion

2baac6bc9d5a574's avatar
9 years ago

Benefitting neighbours

Wow, I was expecting a completely different thread about neighbours with benefits! :shock: :oops: :lol:

Seriously, though, it is more fun when your actions benefit your neighbours as well. The extra friend interaction adds to the social interaction of the game.
  • It's never really bothered me either way. I like Community Prizes, but only cos, y'know, who doesn't like more prizes?
  • I'm okay with it either way. When friend actions help it benefits me because I'm at the front of the alphabet and get a lot of visits. When friend actions don't help I don't feel the need to visit friends so I don't.
  • After the Casino event is over, it seems that neighbourly visits have the effect again, so it's worthwhile visiting them again.
  • For events it seems like EA is trying to please both groups: the ones who don't want neighbour heavy events, and the ones that want to help their neighbours during events. It seems to switch every now and then so that one event you can't help neighbours and the next you can.

    My regular neighbour visits seemed bugged too. Handshakes aren't showing up all the time in my town, or there is double tapping/delay in showing up.
  • it can be tedious and time consuming expecially when community prizes and levels are maxed but the bonus is the bonuts. if you tap everyday with 100 friends than you get 1-2 bonuts a day and those add up expecially for freemium players. i use the xtra donuts to offset some of the cost of buying donuts for the premiums i like. on the topic of helping your neighbors, if your friends are visiting your town than they are bennifiting because of the xp and $ (and they possible donuts) they earn from tapping during their visit. you bennifit from friends by earning xp, $, and donut possibility by tapping in friends towns. if you put in the effort then you get rewarded and the same goes for friends. if your friends arent putting in the effort then they dont deserve or care about the "help'' or reward

    look at handshakes as a notification that the friend has visited