Forum Discussion

wyendn's avatar
11 years ago

Blood Red water......

maybe but the saint patty's day green was hard on the eyes
  • that would be really cool, especially if combined with a form of night mode. Maybe not dark, but maybe an eerie full orange moon
  • MaxxSpider wrote:
    maybe but the * patty's day green was hard on the eyes

    I think it was because the land was green too
  • brettolmsted wrote:
    that would be really cool, especially if combined with a form of night mode. Maybe not dark, but maybe an eerie full orange moon

    Now your talking. Great ideas.....
  • MaxxSpider wrote:
    maybe but the * patty's day green was hard on the eyes

    huh, I really liked the green water
  • I am horrible at coming up with ideas, with creativity. If you were to ask me what I think would be cool for Halloween, etc, I would not know. However, if you give me a start of an idea, I am much better at running with it and then my creative juices begin flowing