My dear forumite,
How long has it been?
A year?
A lifetime. Place the shrub one pixel to the left, oh no! The lower corner of the fountain is overlapping with the upper corner of the shrub!
My medulla oblongata can only take so much stress. I hear howling at night.... "I'm glad" the voices dictates what I should feel, "It wasn't me" it hides behind a wall of fake innocence.
I see things, these little memories of when my free time was filled, with happy moments... What did I do?
No, literally, what did I do before this.... before any of this? Did I even exist or am I the deranged idea of a lone lunatic?
I remember my first tap, but prior to that moment, no recollect.
Photo graphical proof exists stating my existence prior to playing the game, but in game their is no record of me existing prior to playing.
It's a ruse. I'm not real, I'm just the figment of some insane cowboy.
Please don't make me stop tapping!
To answer your question, yes I've nuked.
I have seen no downside, emotionally, psychologically, or in any other -lly form.
Happy tapping!...