Forum Discussion

DonJP-94's avatar
11 years ago

Building Warning

This has been mentioned quite a few times on the forum, i have hit that number a few times and try and stay below it if possible, some people have reported hitting higher, i think the highest is something like 7500items but the more items you have the more risk you run with slowing your game down in turns of loading and running smoothly, plus other people trying to get in to your town to visit can be affected in terms of loading etc.
  • I'm at about 4800 and mine runs fine and none of my neighbors have said anything about my town not loading
  • Snakeyees wrote:
    I'm at about 4800 and mine runs fine and none of my neighbors have said anything about my town not loading

    The item warning about the loading etc is when someone reaches 7500 or more i believe, i too am at 4500 and have no issues (as yet)
  • i notice a significant lag when i visit a town that has a lot of stuff. i am guessing they are way over 4500.
  • I think it also comes down to the device you are using, for example when i visit a neighbour from my town on my iPhone5 i have no real issues but when i use my iPhone4 and visit the same neighbour the lag is a nightmare! I believe said neighbour is probably at around 5500+ items (not mentioning the persons name)
  • I have one friend with a totally packed SP and his takes at least 4-5 times longer to get into.