Forum Discussion

alexisjosehpine's avatar
11 years ago

Bummer egg spin is totally a RIP OFF

EA has an ugly sense of humor
  • That's happened twice to me today (5 times total). I had a couple baskets fill up so I got two gold boxes. Both gave me 250 pink eggs. Pink is my common color. So lame. I think that's the worst possible "prize". It's not even a prize. It's a joke at our expense.

  • Totally agree
    With one week to go I haven't got. 3 of the characters an I'm p'od
    I had 3 baskets yesterday 2 uncommon 1 common traded all the common so I had 4 spins today
    Got egg pile, fence, pond and 300 golden eggs to make a gold spin and got the Effin gate all that work for pile of crap
    And today not one basket so far so mos likely Ill get 1 spin tomorow and get crap again
  • Okay, MusicBooks, you're only a little late to this thread. This is me we're talking about here. For me, "a little late" means early. Have you ever been "early" early to anything, ever? My mum told me I was born two weeks before her due date. It ended there. Well, are you actually going to do anything about THIS rage thread, or are you just going to forget to rage again, and run off screaming like you always do? That's not true. In that Whacking Day rage thread, I wound up mumbling incoherently about the Mapple Store. Yeah, we were kind of wondering about that. All the other stuff you mentioned was stuff from the real Whacking Day event last year. What does that have to do with the Mapple Store? If you ever listened to me, or even better showed up in the threads I don't rage in, I wouldn't have to remind you it was a panda bear with an AK 47 I had to kick in the nards, and it was a toilet my head got stuck in. Wait, hold on MusicBooks, you mean there are threads you don't rage in? And see, this is my point. If you listened to me, you'd know I wound up on this forum the same way as everybody else here. By playing Tapped Out. In several of the threads, some rage and some not, where you might have or might not have shown up, I've pointed out it's unfair that EA has not allowed Android tappers access to items that were available to Apple tappers prior to the Android launch. That's why I'm so bitter about the Mapple Store. I'm an Android tapper who's only been playing for about seven months. I've missed out on a lot of good stuff. I told you you don't listen to me. Why would we listen to you? You're still an idiot. Thanks, I still think you're kinda cool, too. Point proven again. Anyway, are you gonna rage in this rage thread or not? Just a wee bit. OP's correct. As are all the other posters. EA has gone out of their way to anger us with this "two steps forward, TWELVE steps back thing. That's one more way they are kicking us in the nards. Not all of us possess nards, MusicBooks. I know, but the principal remains the same. If I don't have nards, and i get kicked in them, doesn't it still hurt? If you get kicked in the nards, MusicBooks, whether or not you possess them, the only thing that is guaranteed is laughter. Directed at you, and the pain you are feeling, in the nards you may or may not possess that you just got kicked in. Aha! You just proved my point. Whether or not I do have nards, I still feel pain when EA kicks me in them. Yes, but everyone around you finds it hysterical. No, no they don't. That's the beauty of these rage threads. OP, and everyone else in this rage thread and every other rage thread is feeling the exact same pain, because EA kicked them in the nards, too. Okay, MusicBooks, just get back to the rage, and stop talking about nards, before we have to kick you in the nards you may or may not possess. Can do. Okay, EA has taken crappy, broken, tedious "randomization" and cranked it up to 11. One of the hardest things to create, in a software sense, is a random generation system. That's why I put it in quotation marks. Because it's not random. If it were truly random, why could I, and everyone else in this thread, not hit a "lucky streak", where we get the eggs necessary to open a particular color box, not just once, but possibly several times in a row as a true random system would dictate, to get the prizes we so desperately want? I've got an even better question, particularly for you Apple fans out there. I'm not hatin', as I've got a LOT of music stored on an Ipod. And you know what, I have it set to SHUFFLE, not random, because even Apple hasn't come up with a real answer for "random". At least as far as I know. If they did, why would I want to hear the same song 88 times in a row? That's what a true random system could do. Play the same song 88 times in a row, blarg! Unless it's that catchy one with that great beat, by that band that made that other know the one I'm talking about...Okay, MusicBooks, I think we've been polite long enough. No one wants to hear anymore of your tired drivel. You hate me when I rage, and you hate me even worse when I don't rage! *Flips over table and storms off screaming random gibberish about how EA kicked players of TSTO in the nards, and that one catchy song with the great beat by the band that made that other song*
  • DobleDeth wrote:
    MusicBooks960 wrote:
    Okay, MusicBooks, you're only a little late to this thread. This is me we're talking about here. For me, "a little late" means early. Have you ever been "early" early to anything, ever? My mum told me I was born two weeks before her due date. It ended there. Well, are you actually going to do anything about THIS rage thread, or are you just going to forget to rage again, and run off screaming like you always do? That's not true. In that Whacking Day rage thread, I wound up mumbling incoherently about the Mapple Store. Yeah, we were kind of wondering about that. All the other stuff you mentioned was stuff from the real Whacking Day event last year. What does that have to do with the Mapple Store? If you ever listened to me, or even better showed up in the threads I don't rage in, I wouldn't have to remind you it was a panda bear with an AK 47 I had to kick in the nards, and it was a toilet my head got stuck in. Wait, hold on MusicBooks, you mean there are threads you don't rage in? And see, this is my point. If you listened to me, you'd know I wound up on this forum the same way as everybody else here. By playing Tapped Out. In several of the threads, some rage and some not, where you might have or might not have shown up, I've pointed out it's unfair that EA has not allowed Android tappers access to items that were available to Apple tappers prior to the Android launch. That's why I'm so bitter about the Mapple Store. I'm an Android tapper who's only been playing for about seven months. I've missed out on a lot of good stuff. I told you you don't listen to me. Why would we listen to you? You're still an idiot. Thanks, I still think you're kinda cool, too. Point proven again. Anyway, are you gonna rage in this rage thread or not? Just a wee bit. OP's correct. As are all the other posters. EA has gone out of there way to anger us with this "two steps forward, TWELVE steps back thing. That's one more way they are kicking us in the nards. Not all of us possess nards, MusicBooks. I know, but the principal remains the same. If I don't have nards, and i get kicked in them, doesn't it still hurt? If you get kicked in the nards, MusicBooks, whether or not you possess them, the only thing that is guaranteed is laughter. Directed at you, and the pain you are feeling, in the nards you may or may not possess that you just got kicked in. Aha! You just proved my point. Whether or not I do have nards, I still feel pain when EA kicks me in them. Yes, but everyone around you finds it hysterical. No, no they don't. That's the beauty of these rage threads. OP, and everyone else in this rage thread and every other rage thread is feeling the exact same pain, because EA kicked them in the nards, too. Okay, MusicBooks, just get back to the rage, and stop talking about nards, before we have to kick you in the nards you may or may not possess. Can do. Okay, EA has taken crappy, broken, tedious "randomization" and cranked it up to 11. One of the hardest things to create, in a software sense, is a random generation system. That's why I put it in quotation marks. Because it's not random. If it were truly random, why could I, and everyone else in this thread, not hit a "lucky streak", where we get the eggs necessary to open a particular color box, not just once, but possibly several times in a row as a true random system would dictate, to get the prizes we so desperately want? I've got an even better question, particularly for you Apple fans out there. I'm not hatin', as I've got a LOT of music stored on an Ipod. And you know what, I have it set to SHUFFLE, not random, because even Apple hasn't come up with a real answer for "random". At least as far as I know. If they did, why would I want to hear the same song 88 times in a row? That's what a true random system could do. Play the same song 88 times in a row, blarg! Unless it's that catchy one with that great beat, by that band that made that other know the one I'm talking about...Okay, MusicBooks, I think we've been polite long enough. No one wants to hear anymore of your tired drivel. You hate me when I rage, and you hate me even worse when I don't rage! *Flips over table and storms off screaming random gibberish about how EA kicked players of TSTO in the nards, and that one catchy song with the great beat by the band that made that other song*

    I am now afraid of words. :shock:

    Me too. Hold me.

  • DobleDeth wrote:
    MusicBooks960 wrote:
    Okay, MusicBooks, you're only a little late to this thread. This is me we're talking about here. For me, "a little late" means early. Have you ever been "early" early to anything, ever? My mum told me I was born two weeks before her due date. It ended there. Well, are you actually going to do anything about THIS rage thread, or are you just going to forget to rage again, and run off screaming like you always do? That's not true. In that Whacking Day rage thread, I wound up mumbling incoherently about the Mapple Store. Yeah, we were kind of wondering about that. All the other stuff you mentioned was stuff from the real Whacking Day event last year. What does that have to do with the Mapple Store? If you ever listened to me, or even better showed up in the threads I don't rage in, I wouldn't have to remind you it was a panda bear with an AK 47 I had to kick in the nards, and it was a toilet my head got stuck in. Wait, hold on MusicBooks, you mean there are threads you don't rage in? And see, this is my point. If you listened to me, you'd know I wound up on this forum the same way as everybody else here. By playing Tapped Out. In several of the threads, some rage and some not, where you might have or might not have shown up, I've pointed out it's unfair that EA has not allowed Android tappers access to items that were available to Apple tappers prior to the Android launch. That's why I'm so bitter about the Mapple Store. I'm an Android tapper who's only been playing for about seven months. I've missed out on a lot of good stuff. I told you you don't listen to me. Why would we listen to you? You're still an idiot. Thanks, I still think you're kinda cool, too. Point proven again. Anyway, are you gonna rage in this rage thread or not? Just a wee bit. OP's correct. As are all the other posters. EA has gone out of there way to anger us with this "two steps forward, TWELVE steps back thing. That's one more way they are kicking us in the nards. Not all of us possess nards, MusicBooks. I know, but the principal remains the same. If I don't have nards, and i get kicked in them, doesn't it still hurt? If you get kicked in the nards, MusicBooks, whether or not you possess them, the only thing that is guaranteed is laughter. Directed at you, and the pain you are feeling, in the nards you may or may not possess that you just got kicked in. Aha! You just proved my point. Whether or not I do have nards, I still feel pain when EA kicks me in them. Yes, but everyone around you finds it hysterical. No, no they don't. That's the beauty of these rage threads. OP, and everyone else in this rage thread and every other rage thread is feeling the exact same pain, because EA kicked them in the nards, too. Okay, MusicBooks, just get back to the rage, and stop talking about nards, before we have to kick you in the nards you may or may not possess. Can do. Okay, EA has taken crappy, broken, tedious "randomization" and cranked it up to 11. One of the hardest things to create, in a software sense, is a random generation system. That's why I put it in quotation marks. Because it's not random. If it were truly random, why could I, and everyone else in this thread, not hit a "lucky streak", where we get the eggs necessary to open a particular color box, not just once, but possibly several times in a row as a true random system would dictate, to get the prizes we so desperately want? I've got an even better question, particularly for you Apple fans out there. I'm not hatin', as I've got a LOT of music stored on an Ipod. And you know what, I have it set to SHUFFLE, not random, because even Apple hasn't come up with a real answer for "random". At least as far as I know. If they did, why would I want to hear the same song 88 times in a row? That's what a true random system could do. Play the same song 88 times in a row, blarg! Unless it's that catchy one with that great beat, by that band that made that other know the one I'm talking about...Okay, MusicBooks, I think we've been polite long enough. No one wants to hear anymore of your tired drivel. You hate me when I rage, and you hate me even worse when I don't rage! *Flips over table and storms off screaming random gibberish about how EA kicked players of TSTO in the nards, and that one catchy song with the great beat by the band that made that other song*
    DobleDeth wrote:
    MusicBooks960 wrote:
    Okay, MusicBooks, you're only a little late to this thread. This is me we're talking about here. For me, "a little late" means early. Have you ever been "early" early to anything, ever? My mum told me I was born two weeks before her due date. It ended there. Well, are you actually going to do anything about THIS rage thread, or are you just going to forget to rage again, and run off screaming like you always do? That's not true. In that Whacking Day rage thread, I wound up mumbling incoherently about the Mapple Store. Yeah, we were kind of wondering about that. All the other stuff you mentioned was stuff from the real Whacking Day event last year. What does that have to do with the Mapple Store? If you ever listened to me, or even better showed up in the threads I don't rage in, I wouldn't have to remind you it was a panda bear with an AK 47 I had to kick in the nards, and it was a toilet my head got stuck in. Wait, hold on MusicBooks, you mean there are threads you don't rage in? And see, this is my point. If you listened to me, you'd know I wound up on this forum the same way as everybody else here. By playing Tapped Out. In several of the threads, some rage and some not, where you might have or might not have shown up, I've pointed out it's unfair that EA has not allowed Android tappers access to items that were available to Apple tappers prior to the Android launch. That's why I'm so bitter about the Mapple Store. I'm an Android tapper who's only been playing for about seven months. I've missed out on a lot of good stuff. I told you you don't listen to me. Why would we listen to you? You're still an idiot. Thanks, I still think you're kinda cool, too. Point proven again. Anyway, are you gonna rage in this rage thread or not? Just a wee bit. OP's correct. As are all the other posters. EA has gone out of there way to anger us with this "two steps forward, TWELVE steps back thing. That's one more way they are kicking us in the nards. Not all of us possess nards, MusicBooks. I know, but the principal remains the same. If I don't have nards, and i get kicked in them, doesn't it still hurt? If you get kicked in the nards, MusicBooks, whether or not you possess them, the only thing that is guaranteed is laughter. Directed at you, and the pain you are feeling, in the nards you may or may not possess that you just got kicked in. Aha! You just proved my point. Whether or not I do have nards, I still feel pain when EA kicks me in them. Yes, but everyone around you finds it hysterical. No, no they don't. That's the beauty of these rage threads. OP, and everyone else in this rage thread and every other rage thread is feeling the exact same pain, because EA kicked them in the nards, too. Okay, MusicBooks, just get back to the rage, and stop talking about nards, before we have to kick you in the nards you may or may not possess. Can do. Okay, EA has taken crappy, broken, tedious "randomization" and cranked it up to 11. One of the hardest things to create, in a software sense, is a random generation system. That's why I put it in quotation marks. Because it's not random. If it were truly random, why could I, and everyone else in this thread, not hit a "lucky streak", where we get the eggs necessary to open a particular color box, not just once, but possibly several times in a row as a true random system would dictate, to get the prizes we so desperately want? I've got an even better question, particularly for you Apple fans out there. I'm not hatin', as I've got a LOT of music stored on an Ipod. And you know what, I have it set to SHUFFLE, not random, because even Apple hasn't come up with a real answer for "random". At least as far as I know. If they did, why would I want to hear the same song 88 times in a row? That's what a true random system could do. Play the same song 88 times in a row, blarg! Unless it's that catchy one with that great beat, by that band that made that other know the one I'm talking about...Okay, MusicBooks, I think we've been polite long enough. No one wants to hear anymore of your tired drivel. You hate me when I rage, and you hate me even worse when I don't rage! *Flips over table and storms off screaming random gibberish about how EA kicked players of TSTO in the nards, and that one catchy song with the great beat by the band that made that other song*
  • MusicBooks960 wrote:
    Okay, MusicBooks, you're only a little late to this thread. This is me we're talking about here. For me, "a little late" means early. Have you ever been "early" early to anything, ever? My mum told me I was born two weeks before her due date. It ended there. Well, are you actually going to do anything about THIS rage thread, or are you just going to forget to rage again, and run off screaming like you always do? That's not true. In that Whacking Day rage thread, I wound up mumbling incoherently about the Mapple Store. Yeah, we were kind of wondering about that. All the other stuff you mentioned was stuff from the real Whacking Day event last year. What does that have to do with the Mapple Store? If you ever listened to me, or even better showed up in the threads I don't rage in, I wouldn't have to remind you it was a panda bear with an AK 47 I had to kick in the nards, and it was a toilet my head got stuck in. Wait, hold on MusicBooks, you mean there are threads you don't rage in? And see, this is my point. If you listened to me, you'd know I wound up on this forum the same way as everybody else here. By playing Tapped Out. In several of the threads, some rage and some not, where you might have or might not have shown up, I've pointed out it's unfair that EA has not allowed Android tappers access to items that were available to Apple tappers prior to the Android launch. That's why I'm so bitter about the Mapple Store. I'm an Android tapper who's only been playing for about seven months. I've missed out on a lot of good stuff. I told you you don't listen to me. Why would we listen to you? You're still an idiot. Thanks, I still think you're kinda cool, too. Point proven again. Anyway, are you gonna rage in this rage thread or not? Just a wee bit. OP's correct. As are all the other posters. EA has gone out of there way to anger us with this "two steps forward, TWELVE steps back thing. That's one more way they are kicking us in the nards. Not all of us possess nards, MusicBooks. I know, but the principal remains the same. If I don't have nards, and i get kicked in them, doesn't it still hurt? If you get kicked in the nards, MusicBooks, whether or not you possess them, the only thing that is guaranteed is laughter. Directed at you, and the pain you are feeling, in the nards you may or may not possess that you just got kicked in. Aha! You just proved my point. Whether or not I do have nards, I still feel pain when EA kicks me in them. Yes, but everyone around you finds it hysterical. No, no they don't. That's the beauty of these rage threads. OP, and everyone else in this rage thread and every other rage thread is feeling the exact same pain, because EA kicked them in the nards, too. Okay, MusicBooks, just get back to the rage, and stop talking about nards, before we have to kick you in the nards you may or may not possess. Can do. Okay, EA has taken crappy, broken, tedious "randomization" and cranked it up to 11. One of the hardest things to create, in a software sense, is a random generation system. That's why I put it in quotation marks. Because it's not random. If it were truly random, why could I, and everyone else in this thread, not hit a "lucky streak", where we get the eggs necessary to open a particular color box, not just once, but possibly several times in a row as a true random system would dictate, to get the prizes we so desperately want? I've got an even better question, particularly for you Apple fans out there. I'm not hatin', as I've got a LOT of music stored on an Ipod. And you know what, I have it set to SHUFFLE, not random, because even Apple hasn't come up with a real answer for "random". At least as far as I know. If they did, why would I want to hear the same song 88 times in a row? That's what a true random system could do. Play the same song 88 times in a row, blarg! Unless it's that catchy one with that great beat, by that band that made that other know the one I'm talking about...Okay, MusicBooks, I think we've been polite long enough. No one wants to hear anymore of your tired drivel. You hate me when I rage, and you hate me even worse when I don't rage! *Flips over table and storms off screaming random gibberish about how EA kicked players of TSTO in the nards, and that one catchy song with the great beat by the band that made that other song*

    Wow that was hard to read, but I was entertained, nice post.
  • Crazy. Crazy, you say? I used to be crazy. They took me, and locked me in a padded cell. I did not like it there. I died there. They took me, and buried me where the daisies grow. One grew down and tickled my nose. It almost drove me crazy. Crazy. Crazy you say? Tapped out in a nutshell.