Forum Discussion

Kizenix's avatar
10 years ago

Can EA rollback game?

I have had my game rolled back by EA when I had issues logging in (it was a while ago, but I am sure they will still be able to help) always worth asking for some compensation (do nuts) also!!!

8 Replies

  • Kizenix wrote:
    My game has glitched and my quests are not automatically starting (completely skipped) meaning I missed out on the new house skins

    Can EA roll my game back? To start of xmas update Bit drastic but I rather do that then wait for an update only to miss out

    Has anyone been roll backed? If so how did you get it done

    EA can rollback games. Just open a support ticket and talk to them at
  • well, Cher can turn back time
    ( sorry couldn't resist that one)

    Edit: it's Like Rocky Horror at fleet week.
  • Kizenix wrote:
    My game has glitched and my quests are not automatically starting (completely skipped) meaning I missed out on the new house skins

    Can EA roll my game back? To start of xmas update Bit drastic but I rather do that then wait for an update only to miss out

    Has anyone been roll backed? If so how did you get it done

    CONTACT ea by clicking your name above, then following the SUPPORT link under it. open a ticket.

    the response depends on what country you're in, but they likely will call you. they'll walk you through the standard steps because they only know to read a script. they'll want you to uninstall/reinstall. they'll want you to try to log in from another device.

    then after wasting an hour doing that, they'll tell you that they can't help you and you need to be escalated, so someone else will call you.

    try to avoid that lengthy waste of time by telling them you already did all this stuff.

    they'll want your game version number and a giant ID number from the settings window. they'll want to know how many donuts and $ you have too. have it ready.

    when you roll back to previous restore point, expect to lose many items. then to open new tickets to try to recover them. all i know of rollbacks is the horror stories i've read here that prevent me from ever doing it.

    my worst problems have been cured by logging in from another device i hadn't played on before. it forced my own device to resynch and then it worked fine. so i recommend that first.

    good luck!
  • Come to think of it, you would probably lose more time waiting for the rollback and going through the process with EA and having to catch up from day 1 than you would lose just starting out from today and going forward from where you are.
  • snowyriver32 wrote:
    Come to think of it, you would probably lose more time waiting for the rollback and going through the process with EA and having to catch up from day 1 than you would lose just starting out from today and going forward from where you are.

    it may not matter if their database is corrupt on the game's server. this is the only purpose for a rollback.

    you have to think about the logic of synchronization between remote devices and servers. depending on the level of synch, a determination is made as to what OVERWRITES what.

    - when we log in, our device and their servers overwrite EACH OTHER selectively.
    - after logging in somewhere else, the servers overwrite OUR device fully.
    - if something corrupts on our device, but on a rare occasion is allowed to overwrite the server, then next time the server goes to overwrite us, we are screwed.

    it's at this point that a rollback is needed. this rollsback the DB on the SERVER, WHICH THEN IS OVERWRITTEN TO US, and hopefully eliminates the corruption.

    this is why i always recommend trying to log in from another device first. if THAT DEVICE WORKS, the server DB is ok and rollback not necessary.

    sorry so wordy lesson on synch. happy tapping!
  • Thanks for the replys everyone

    I don't mind losing items because I want the new xmas house skins and they look rare as you cannot ever buy them again and it would annoy me that everyone else has them but me lol

    I will try a call back shortly and let you know the outcome lol
  • ZennGlenn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    10 years ago
    Plenty solid sound advice here; maybe best to just request the missing material desired...
    PM'd ya on it as well neiboreeno 8)
  • They can roll you back, but it might be worth asking if they can just add the skins. If house skins are all that's missing (and the rewards for completing the tasks), then it seems a bit drastic to roll you back.