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3 years ago

Cirque du Springfield: The Lion's Scare Walkthrough

The Lion's Scare Pt. 1

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Burnsum: Finish affixing your headpiece, Marguerite! You're on in five.
Marguerite: On for who? The stands are empty.
Burnsum: Empty? How is this possible with the array of freaks I've collected?!
Bart: Parading freaks is so 1910. People want fresh. They all went over to Cirque de Puree.
Marge: Their stunts ARE spectacular. I don't know how they do it.
Burnsum: Something smells foul.
The Human Donkey: That's my lunch — sardines and sawdust.
Bart: If we don't do something soon, the Cirque is gonna eat our lunch.
Burnsum: *sigh* I guess it's time I do the unthinkable.
Bart: Tell people what's really in our hot dogs?
Burnsum: Worse. It's time I apologize.

Task: Collect Cotton Candy
Task: Make Bart Eat a "Hot Dog"
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Burnsum: Task: Make Burnsum Head to the Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus
Time: 4h
Location: Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Marguerite: Task: Make Marguerite Fix Her Headband
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Lion's Scare Pt. 2

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Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: Well, look what the lion dragged in.
Scuzzo the Clown: Come to gloat about driving us out of business, Burnsum?
Burnsum: That's not why I'm here. My circus is failing worse than yours.
Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: I thought everyone in town loved your freak show.
Burnsum: That was before that blasted Cirque showed up. Now, everyone is gaga for their fancy French performances.
Burnsum: As such, I was wondering if you fancied an alliance, to drive those brie-breathers back to where they came from.
Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: I might be interested.
Bart: Question: How are we going to drive the Cirque out of Springfield when everyone loves them?
Scuzzo the Clown: You leave that part to me…

Task: Collect Cotton Candy
Task: Make Bart Follow Scuzzo the Clown
Time: 4h
Location: Ultimate Fighting Zoo, Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Scuzzo the Clown: Task: Make Scuzzo the Clown Go to the Ultimate Fighting Zoo
Time: 4h
Location: Ultimate Fighting Zoo, Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Lion's Scare Pt. 3

Auto starts

SqueakyVoiceTeen: Welcome to the Ultimate Fighting Zoo. Today it's a battle of heavyweights — our gorilla will be facing off against our alligator.
Bart: Cool! I want front row for that!
Scuzzo the Clown: Hey, get your game face on. We're here to do a job, not watch two monsters munch each other.
Bart: Aw, can't we catch the show and then steal the man-eating lion?
Scuzzo the Clown: If we get our own man-eating lion, then we'll be the ones putting on the show.
Bart: I guess. Can we at least feed the lion a couple people I don't like? Say a certain fourth-grade teacher?
Scuzzo the Clown: There'll be plenty of time for eating teachers. Now here, take this crowbar…

Task: Collect Cotton Candy
Task: Make Bart Steal a Man-Eating Lion
Time: 4h
Location: Ultimate Fighting Zoo, Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Scuzzo the Clown: Task: Make Scuzzo the Clown Steal a Man-Eating Lion
Time: 4h
Location: Ultimate Fighting Zoo, Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes

Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: You sure about this Burnsum? This lion looks pretty dangerous.
Burnsum: Not to worry. I'll put my freaks up against a hungry lion any day of the week.
Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: But what if he, you know, eats someone?
Burnsum: Then it's one less paycheck I'll have to write. Now c'mon, stardom awaits!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Lion's Scare Pt. 4

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Lisa: Ringmaster, I'm putting the clean acrobat uniforms in their dressing room.
Cirque De Puree Ringmaster: No, don't go in there!
Lisa: *opens door, gasps, shuts door*
Lisa: Why are there a bunch of tiny children in there? Where are the acrobats?
Cirque De Puree Ringmaster: Those ARE the acrobats. We use rubbery children for all our stunts. Adults could never be that flexible.
Lisa: You're exploiting children? All you circuses are the same. You just care about profit.
Cirque De Puree Ringmaster: Profit and beating those other awful animal circuses. Burnsum and Bailey have stooped to using a man-eating lion now.
Homer: Mmm…eating man…
Homer: We gotta go to Burnsum and Bailey's right now!
Lisa: No, Dad. You go without me. I've had enough of the circus.
Homer: Your mother told me to keep an eye on you and that's what I'm gonna do! Or was it Bart? Doesn't matter. You seem like a kid and that means I'm responsible!

Task: Collect Cotton Candy
Task: Make Homer Drag Lisa to Burnsum and Bailey's
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
Task: Make Lisa Get Dragged to Burnsum and Bailey's
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Cirque de Puree Ringmaster: Task: Make Cirque de Puree Ringmaster Hide the Acrobat Children
Time: 4h
Location: Cirque De Puree, Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan or Homes
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Lion's Scare Pt. 5

Auto starts

Burnsum: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Marguerite and the Man-Eating Lion!
Homer: Give that cat hell, Marguerite!
Marge: Homer? What are you doing here?
Homer: I wouldn't miss this show for all the Duff in the world! And don't worry, I brought Lisa along so you know I'm a caring father.
Lisa: My soul is in agony watching this poor lion get frightened into performing.
Homer: Well, that still counts as keeping you safe.
Marguerite: Umm, here, kitty kitty. It's hors d'oeuvre time…
Lion: *roars*
Bart: Yipes! Its chain broke. Marguerite is gonna be that lion's lunchable!
Marge: This is horrible! Close your eyes, kids!
Homer: Oh no. I came for a show and a show's what I'm gonna get!
Marge: Homer, what are you doing?
Homer: Dialing down the growl on that cat by getting him drunk. And maybe me a little as well.

Task: Collect Cotton Candy
Task: Make Homer Feed the Lion Hippo Juice
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
Task: Make Marge Cover Bart and Lisa's Eyes
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
Task: Make Lisa Look Away
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
Task: Make Bart Take a Peek
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes

Homer: If you really think about it, we're all kinda living in cages…
Lion: *purrs*
Carl: Wow, what a show!
Lenny: Yeah, this circus taught me to feel good about my drinking problem.
Wiggum: It made me want a man-eating lion for the force!
Lou: Chief, no! We're supposed to befriend the community we serve.
Wiggum: Always the wet blanket, aren't you Lou?

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Hippo Juice to Go

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Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: Our plan worked, Burnsum. We're now the most popular circus in Springfield!
Burnsum: And due to the drunken heroics of this dullard we're now the talk of the town.
Homer: If you've got a gift, use it.
Bart: So what's next, Burnsum? Are you going to add animal oddities to our freak show?
Burnsum: Actually, there's another town with money in need of a circus. Shelbyville. What say you, Bailey?
Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: I'll start pouring the hippo juice.

Task: Make Bart Get Laid Off From the Circus
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Burnsum: Task: Make Burnsum Head to Shelbyville
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes
If the user has Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: Task: Make Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster Get the Hippo Juice
Time: 4h
Location: Burnsum and Bailey Circus, Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus, Ding-A-Ling Front Office, Marguerite's Wagon, Circus Caravan, Cirque De Puree or Homes

Bart: I can't believe Burnsum just up and left. I lost my first job. I finally feel like I'm Homer's kid.
Lisa: I for one am glad they're gone. Those circuses demean everyone and everything they touch.
Homer: But they did give us all jobs.
Bart: I never saw you doing anything.
Homer: I was quality control for the hippo juice.
Ding-A-Ling Ringmaster: The lions are loose! Everyone run for your lives!
Homer: Oh, and making sure the lions were locked up.
Lisa: Oh God, what do we do?!
Homer: Quick! Show the event completion panel! Nothing can happen once that appears!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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