Forum Discussion

jeffbeitel668's avatar
12 years ago

Dear EA and Tapped out Creators, I HAVE HAD A GLITCH

Dear Jeffrey,

Your enthusiastic criticism is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, I am unable to ascertain from your rambling and confusing note exactly what the problem is. Are you missing the high school? Did your Krustyland disappear? Are you trying to get to Level 35 (which doesn't yet exist)? Please be more specific in your reply, but please note that I will do nothing about it because a) this is not the correct place to lodge formal issues with the game, and b) I'm a bot.

EA Customer Service (a division of Bank of America)
  • He's either saying once he leveled up, the high school he had built was back in the build list or he doesn't realize level 34 is the highest level and was expecting to go to level 35 (which doesn't exist) and was expecting more buildings to build???? Maybe??? I would help if I understood exactly what happened in his game.

    edit: typo
  • awshux915 wrote:
    Dear Jeffrey,

    Your enthusiastic criticism is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, I am unable to ascertain from your rambling and confusing note exactly what the problem is. Are you missing the high school? Did your Krustyland disappear? Are you trying to get to Level 35 (which doesn't yet exist)? Please be more specific in your reply, but please note that I will do nothing about it because a) this is not the correct place to lodge formal issues with the game, and b) I'm a bot.

    EA Customer Service (a division of Bank of America)

    Quality post.
  • jeffbeitel668 wrote:
    Hello, My name is Jeffrey Beitel, I have been playing tapped out for quite some time now, never having any problems, recently I hit level 34 and unlocked the highschool and the knowledgeum! I was rather excited, but krustyland must come first, only to find that when I had was only a shot away from level 35. Once I leveled after a dog race and some scratch tickets, I Leveled again to level 34............. With only the knowledgeum still to be built. WHY me :( What can you do to help me!!!!! doh!

    I don't think this dude knows what a glitch is.