Forum Discussion

obake-odori's avatar
11 years ago

Decoration limit

I'm on an iPad 2 as well and have over 4800 in both SF and KL. The only bug/glitch I still get is crashing after visiting too many friends in a row.
  • I think the only problem you get is getting that stupid message every 1,000 (I think) decorations you place.
  • I'm at about 5600 at the moment, just ignore the warnings now...the game doesn't crash, have no problem visiting neighbours or anything either....
  • I didn't receive this warning message, guess I haven't hit this 4500 threshold yet. :roll:
  • I make pictures with the decorations, that's why I have so many. Some of them take 700+.
    Also have created a lot of hilly areas in my SF which uses quite a lot of decorations
  • You may want to search tstoaddicts, or just talk to Bunny over there. She has extensive experience with this. As I recall 10,000 or more. And several times she has had to get EA's help because of it.
  • Thanks everyone, I'm relieved! Now I can get back to designing. It's pretty messed up right now. Now I can keep my showcase areas and still have simpler, but well decorated areas!
  • bertybandi481 wrote:
    Interesting to see the responses. How is your friend retention?

    I am a regular visitor to my friends and have not lost a single friend since going up to 100 in February.

    However I have got rid of many. Mainly I admit due to their lack of playing, but reckon I've probably binned around 15 because my crappy phone crashes when I try to visit their heavily decorated towns.

    Do you notice any problem with retaining friends?

    No, not really. I'm a very faithful neighbor and visit pretty much daily, unless I'm very busy. So I don't have neighbors dropping me.

    But you do bring up a good point. Anyone else out there who have trouble visiting heavily deco'd towns? I remember last Halloween having a really hard time visiting neighbors with house farms.
  • I have 6500+ it's fine it lags when I'm placing decorations sometimes it can take up to a minute frozen on the tick but other times it's just fine....
  • Generally what happens is the loading time for people who visit you is slow, i have a couple of people who are over 6500 items and it takes a little while to access their towns when visiting

    I have over 4500 items and my game runs fine, sometimes it can freeze slightly when moving items around etc but generally for me i have no problems.

    The more items you have the chance of having issues with your game can increase, can also depend on your device with how slow it may run etc, this is basically what we was told by people who work for EA a while ago, each game can be different tho as we have seen many times on here