Forum Discussion

Ketsukikage's avatar
7 years ago

Did I just screw myself out of dozens of land tokens?

I got too excited about the update, and jumped into it without coming here to the forum first. That was stupid, and completely my fault. I nuked Krustyland without using up any of my remaining tickets to buy new land - when the game said "nuke" I assumed it was just a traditional nuke, as I've done to Springfield a couple of times already. I had no idea it would be permanent!

I never really worked much on KL, and that's also my fault. I thought it was boring and gave up on it not long after the story stopped pushing me to do so. As a result, I only got like 30 land tokens when I converted KL. Did I just lose out on a massive trove of the only real IMPORTANT currency that is left in the game?

I've learned how to KEM farm, so doughnuts are not a major obstacle (and I still throw EA some cash every now and again). I've built a (smallish) house farm, so money is not a real obstacle either. I'm patient, I understand how this game works. Land tokens are the only thing remaining that there is no way to grind out, so far as I know. Each new event seems to want to add LARGE buildings, and space is at a premium.

So what I want to know is this - am I screwed? Missing out on 70 land tokens from not optimizing KL is a HUGE penalty. Is there going to be a way to grind out the remaining land tokens I missed out on, or did I just give myself a massive and permanent handicap in this game?